Monday, August 31, 2009

Wednesday September 2: first day

WelcomeToday we are reviewing the classroom policies, which were handed out in class.
Students should share the information with their parents and sign and return the attached sheet. Please retain the top sheet for contact information. Note that on September 14 the class, as well as every English class, is writing a critical lens essay on the two choice books that the students were required to read over the summer. This is 25% of this marking period's grade. We will be reviewing the format for this type of essay in class; however the student needs to have read the material.
The SOTA website: has the book selections for each grade that were handed out last June.

Course Criteria Sheet English III Honors
Both the student and parent / guardian should sign the attached sheet and include phone and e-mail contact information. Please retain the top sheet as a reference.
Due Tuesday Sept 8 for a classroom participation grade.
*Contact information: Mrs. Parker’s telephone: 242-1760; please leave a message and I’ll
ring you back within 24 hours; e-mail: ; mail box location: first floor,
behind reception desk
IMPORTANT: There is a class blog site for daily assignments. This is for students and parents.
Please check it frequently for class work, upcoming quizzes and tests. This is a means for staying current as to what is going on in the classroom.

Note: As per school policy, phones, electronic equipment or food are not
permitted in the classroom.

Communication is the foundation to our humanity. The English language arts curriculum strives to make all students successful by the practice of those reading, writing and oral skills that promote proficiency. Our goal is their practical application to whatever further educational path the student chooses. This is accomplished through reading a variety
of literature, including novels, short stories, plays and non-fiction essays. Moreover, students will apply critical thinking and analytical skills through oral and written work. These will be augmented by vocabulary and grammar work. Upon the successful completion of the course, the student will receive one graduation credit.

Needed Classroom Materials:
1 folder or section of a notebook specifically designated for English work.
Loose leaf paper
Pens / pencils
*Jump or thumb drive. This is for computer work; so that students may work on their documents and images on any computer. In September you can easily find them at office supply stores, Target and Wal-Mart for around $5.00.
* Monroe County Library Card. There are on-line data bases that the student will need to readily access.

Expectations: Though important in all academic settings, due to the nature of the course, it is essential that we build an atmosphere of trust and cooperation. As various viewpoints are expressed, it is the expectation that the discussion remain mature, civil and respectful at all times. On this point, there is no flexibility.

Respect for Self – Be on time, prepared and ready to learn. (Academic success corresponds to attendance; the class
follows the school and district policies.)

Respect for Others – Assist others’ learning, do nothing that interferes with learning.

Respect for Property – Treat the room and its contents with care.

Grading: Writing 30%, Projects 20%, Vocabulary and Grammar 20%, Class Participation 20%, Homework 10%.

Late work policy: Assignments will be accepted with no penalty for legally excused absences.

English 11 Honors Mrs. Parker due Tuesday September 8

We have read and discussed the classroom material.

Student name: (please print) ________________________________________

Student e-mail: ____________________________________________________

Parent / guardian name: (please print): __________________________________

Parent / Guardian Signature ____________________________________________

e-mail contacts: _____________________________________________________


phone contact: ________________________________
