Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday September 10

Handout of vocabulary 1 today. Each exercise counts for 100 points. It is due on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 18 in class. Ten points off each day for lateness. If you are absent, e-mail the answers only; you need not write out the sentences. This material is 20% of the grade and should be an opportunity for everyone to do well. If you have difficulty, see me soon.
The first couple will seem difficult, until you get used to working with the exercise.

In class: performance of Jonathan Edwards' 1741 sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.
Get a hard copy, if you are absent.

Be able to respond to the following:
1. Why do you think Edwards begins his semon with a vivid description of Hell?
2. Describe God's wrath.
3. How does this impact the speech?
4. What is the purpose of the sermon?
5. Do you think the approach Edwards takes would be effective in today's society? Be ready to explain your answer.

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