Monday, September 21, 2009

Tuesday September 22

Here is a the contemporary and archaic pronoun information. Please review.
Grammar: me and ?; correct John and I or my mother and I

Subject Pronouns / Object Pronouns
Singular 1st person I I kicked the ball me John kicked the ball to me.
2nd person you You like to study. you John wants to talk to you.
3rd person (male) he He eats green cheese. him Mary doesn't like him.
3rd person (female) she She likes ice cream. her John kissed her.
3rd person (non-person) it It bit John. it John smashed it.
Plural 1st person we We enjoy going to the movies. us The politician lied to us.
2nd person you You are the best students. you I wouldn't lie to you.
3rd person they They are not happy. them Mary didn't invite them.

Archaic grammar- just for your perusal. You will encounter this when we read Miller’s The Crucible, which uses the late 17th century for setting and Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

"Thou", "thee", "thine" and "thy" are pronouns that have dropped out of the main dialects of Modern English. During the period of Early Modern English (~1470-1700), they formed the Second Person Singular of the language, and were standardized by the time of the King James Bible as shown below.
Subjective Objective Possessive Present Tense
Verb Ending
1st Pers. Sing. I me my/mine[1] None
2nd Pers. Sing. thou thee thy/thine[1] -est
3rd Pers. Sing. he/she/it him/her/it his/her/its -eth
1st Pers. Plural we us our None
2nd Pers. Plural ye/you[2] you your None
3rd Pers. Plural they them their None

[1]: "Mine" and "thine" were used before "h" and vowels, much as "an" was.
[2]: "You" had replaced "ye" for most plural uses by 1600.
Here are the conjugations from that era of two common irregular verbs:
to be - Present tense to have - Present tense
I am I have
thou art thou hast
he/she/it is he/she/it hath
we are we have
ye are ye have
they are they have
You may have been told that "thou" and "thee" were for familiar use, and "you" and "ye" were formal. This was not true originally, but it was true for about two centuries, roughly 1450-1650, including Shakespeare's time. The previously plural "you" was used in the singular to signify politeness and respect, which left "thou" and "thee" for all the other singular uses, ranging from endearing intimacy to bitter rudeness. Eventually, the politer "you" drove out nearly all uses of "thee" and "thou"; they survived mostly in poetry and religion.

Thou wast in the next room. (one person, subject)
Ye were in the next room. (several people, subject)
I saw thee in the next room. (one person, object)
I saw you in the next room (several people, object)
That is thy room. (one person, possessive)
That is your room. (several people, possessive)
That room is thine. (one person, predicate possessive)
That room is yours. (several people, predicate possessive) We use subject pronouns as subjects of sentences and object pronouns as objects.

If you were absent Tuesday, please take the following quiz. Write down the number and correct letter.

Pronouns Quiz

1. Choose the sentence with the correct pronoun.

A) Her went to the store.
B) She went to the store.

2. Choose the sentence with the correct pronoun.

A) It was her.
B) It was she.

3. Choose the sentence with the correct pronoun.

A) We talked to him.
B) We talked to he.

4. Choose the sentence with the correct pronoun.

A) It is I.
B) It is me.

5. Choose the sentence with the correct pronoun.

A) Talk to they before making a decision.
B) Talk to them before making a decision.

6. Choose the sentence with the correct pronoun.

A) Can you go with we?
B) Can you go with us?

7. Choose the sentence with the correct pronoun.

A) Saleha and she have quit the team.
B) Saleha and her have quit the team.

8. Choose the sentence with the correct pronouns.

A) They asked him and I to join the staff.
B) They asked he and me to join the staff.
C) They asked him and me to join the staff.
D) They asked he and I to join the staff.

9. Choose the sentence with the correct pronouns.

A) That call was for I, not he.
B) That call was for me, not him.
C) That call was for me, not he.
D) That call was for I, not him.

10. Choose the sentence with the correct pronouns.

A) You didn't tell we that they were here first.
B) You didn't tell us that them were here first.
C) You didn't tell us that they were here first.
D) You didn't tell we that them were here first.

11. Choose the sentence with the correct pronouns.

A) I wonder what he could have said to she.
B) I wonder what him could have said to her.
C) Me wonder what him could have said to she.
D) I wonder what he could have said to her.

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