Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday January 25, 2010

Your midterm exam is as follows:

English III Honors period 3 is in room A238 on Wednesday beginning at 12:30.
English III Honors period 7 is in room A240 on Wednesday beginning at 12:30.

Period 3 today has a couple of folks that need to perform their Spoon River poem.
All the vocabulary is corrected and grades, with the exception of the midterm, are finished. New marking period!

We are returning Spoon River today and picking up another novella: Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton.

Like Crane's Maggie, Girl of the Streets, this is an example of naturalism. Below is a review of the Natualism movement. Make sure you understand this literary movement.

Some writers of late 19th century went one step beyond Realism. Influenced by the French novelist Emile Zola, the literary movement known as Naturalism developed. According to Zola, a writer must examine people and society objectively and, like a scientist, draw conclusions from what is observed. In line with this, Naturalistic writers view reality as the inescapable working out of natural forces. One’s destiny, they said, is decided by heredity and environment, physical drives and economic circumstances. Because they believe people have no control over events, Naturalistic writers tended to be pessimistic.

For next Monday, please come to class having read Ethan Frome. As you read, note the environmenatal forces, physical drives and economic circumstances that impacted the characters of the eponymous Ethan, his wife Zeena and Maddie Silver. There will be a multiple choice quiz on Monday, which will be recorded as a homework grade. This is very easy, if you have read.

As with last week, we will be writing in the lab on the blog. As a head's up, your question will be: Does the tragedy result from circumstances which the characters have no control over or from avoidable errors in judgment? You will need to details to support your response.

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