Monday, January 18, 2010

Tuesday January 19, 2010

You'll be working in pairs, reviewing the following questions in preparation for tomorrow, when we will be in the 3rd floor lab writing on Stephen Crane's novella Maggie, Girl of the Streets and Jacob Riis' research document How the Other Half Lives. This is a one-class writing assignment. You will have neither access to the novellla nor the document, but will rely on your reading knowledge and the class discussion information.
In addition, you will write your response on the blog.

Discussion Questions for
Stephen Crane’s Maggie, Girl of the Streets and Jacob Riis’ How the Other Half Lives With a partner discuss the following, using the chart to take notes.
1. How was city life like in the late 19th century?
2. How did the immigrants react to the conditions they faced?
3. Were men and women treated differently?
4. What sort of evocative language and imagery do we find in these works?
5. What was life like for the children?
6. Do we treat immigrants or the impoverished better today?

On Thursday, we'll read some of the poems that no one has selected from Spoon River.
On Friday, you'll perform your piece.
Don't forget that vocabuary 8 is due Friday. This is the last day you'll be able to turn it in, as they need to be corrected and recorded before the midterm on Wednesday afternoon.

Bonus: 25 points note the map of Manhattan above. Why is it described as the Cities of New York and Brooklyn? Leave your response under the hole punch by the computer.

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