Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thursday November 5

We are doing something different in class.

25 bonus points to those who can identify the significance of the fifth of November. Leave response under the hole puncher by the computer.


  1. karim yaport

    Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night. It marks the downfall of the Gunpowder Plot of 5 November 1605

  2. I'm going to write up a paper copy of this just in case.

    The significance of November 5th is that it is the anniversary of Guy Fawkes night, when an assassination attempt [overseen by Robert Catesbey and carried out by Guy Fawkes] on king James I by blowing up the parliament building was thwarted.
    Also, the conspirators involved had been plotting to kidnap the royal children, but this was also overturned.

    It is celebrated in Britain by lighting bonfires, also earning it the name "Bonfire Night".
