Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We shall finish our DEBATE activity!!

We shall begin reading Chapter 11 of the Frederick Douglass Narrative and consider the following questions:

What reasons does Douglass give for not describing more of his manner of escape? From his other writings, how in fact was this escape affected?

What immediate considerations prompted Douglass to act? How did he plan to leave without arousing suspicion?

What aspects of his escape does he especially remember?

What part does his intended wife play in these recollections?

How does he choose his new name? Why may he have found it fitting?

What aspects of New Bedford life surprised him? What difficulties followed him in the exercise of his work?

What publication especially inspired Douglass? How did he commence his career as an orator and writer?

What is the effect of the book's closure?


  1. Should I read at home and be answering these questions to hand in?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, please finish reading the book!

    You should take notes on the reading using the questions as a guide.
