Monday, February 15, 2010

Wednesday February 24, 2010

Keep the vocabulary list in mine. Quiz Friday.
You have until class time to post on the blog. Thank you.

Parker notes for Act I scenes 3-5
Act I.iii
Laertes is saying goodbye to his sister Ophelia, as he heads back to school. He gives her brotherly advice: "For Hamlet, and the trifling of his favor, / Hold [you] a fashion and a toy in blood,/...not lasting,/ The perfume and the suppliance of a minute, / No more"(I.iii.6-10), essentially, he's does not look on you as marriage material, and never "lose your heart or your chaste treasure open"(I.iii.35. Keep in mind that a woman's virginity at this time is a bargaining chip (The Elizabethans would have been familiar with this concept in terms of the Henry VIII and Anne Bolyn, Queen Elizabeth's mother, who held out for the throne, but nevertheless lost her head on the chopping block.

Ophelia says she'll listen to her brother, but tells him as well to behave. Shakespeare has her make a dig at hypocritical pastors, who "the primrose path of dalliance treads," while they show their flock "the steep and thorny way to heaven."

Ophelia's father gives advice to his son. His words are good truisms for life:
1. don't be overly familiar with people
2. don't be vulgar
3. don't provoke quarrels, but if attacked fight
4. don't spend money you don't have
5. don't borrow or lend money

Then Polonius expands on Laertes' advice to Ophelia concerning Hamlet.
Note the three meaning of tenders:
"Do you believe his "tenders", as you call them?
Marry, I will teach you. Think yourself a baby
That you have ta'en these tenders for true pay.
Which are not sterling. Tender yourself more dearly,
Or (not to crack the wind of a poor phrase,
Running it thus) you'll tender me a fool.

Act I scene 4 notes
Hamlet remarks how King Claudius "keeps wassail"; that is, he is drunk. And while it is a custom to entertain guests it is "more honored in the brach that the observance"(I.iv.18). The king is vulgar, but has a "viscious mole of nature."

Horatio and Hamlet head up to the ramparts to see the ghost, who comes from "heaven or blasts from hell." Is he good or evil? The ghose bids Hamlet follow him. Horatio worries that the poltergeist might lead him over the walls to the sea below. Or "deprive [Hamlet] of sovereignty of reason / And draw [him] into madness":(I.iv.78-82). Note this as a bit of foreshadowing.
Finally, in this scene we have Marcellus' famous words: "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"(I.iv.180). These words are applicable, of course, to the play, but they have taken on a metaphorical meaning, indicating that there is a serious problem.

Act I scene 5 notes
Hamlet has gone off to have a private conversation with the ghost, who says, "I am thy father's spirit." Dad continues to explain that he is "forbid / To tell the secrets of his prison house" (I.v.18-9). (The audience would have loved this spooky stuff.) From the description, we know his father is in Purgatory. And this poltergeist reveals that Hamlet should "revenge his foul and most unnatural murder" (I.v.31). Now this is news to Hamlet, who thought his father's demise natural.
How did his father die? Well, a serpent did not sting him, well, actually one did and he now wears the crown. If you have forgotton, that is King Claudius, "that incestuous, adulterate beast." Ok, Hamlet, Sr. wants revenge on his brother, but tells his son to "let thy soul contrive against thy mother naught." Dad's last words are "remember me."

And so Hamlet promises thus. And here's another famous line:
"One may smile and smile and be a villain"
Act I ends with Hamlet playing word games with Horatio, Marcellus and Bernardo, who are quite curious to know what has passed between the ghost and Hamlet. Hamlet does not tell and has them swear to secrecy- the ghost gets his last words in as well. No one quite understands what has passed. Is the ghost evil? Anyway, he is "wondrous strange", and Hamlet remarks that "'There are more things in heaven and earth.../ Than are dreamt of in your philosophy"(I.v.187-8).
At this point Hamlet has taken on the responsibility of revenging his father. 'The time is out of joint, O cursed spite / That ever I was born to set it right"(I.v.210-1).


  1. claudius seems to be somewhat clever in justifying his marriage to gertrude, this tells me that he's not stupid, he's sly. sneaky. etc

    hamlet is emo

  2. It is evident that ophelia is cared about by because he gave her good advice on what she should do about Hamlet.

    Hamlet was right for following the ghost. he just has issues

  3. Willie...says I dont get why Polonius didnt want his duaghter to talk or take Hamlets love and reject the things he tried to give to her and not see him anymore. I read the whole act yesterday so theirs more on the tuesday blog i wrote about this whole act but this what i had left out of the act for today.

  4. Questions-
    1.Why, or rather, what was the purspose of the ghost repeating "Swear" in scene 5?
    2.Also, I'm still a little confuzed as to why Hamlet was like messing with the guards' heads (so-to-speak)?

  5. Sarah Mullen is a little confused. I thought Polonius trusted his son. But he's sending people to go and check up on his behavior and friends at school? Did Laertes do something to warrant his father's mistrust?
    I read Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. Because of reading this it makes more sense. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is simply a goofy version of Hamlet.
    See!? Hamlet's mom and step-dad don't trust him either. Everyone is spying on everyone else. I'm feeling some trust issues among these families.
    Is the play a way for Hamlet to find out who killed his father? If so, how?

  6. i think it is plainly obvious that ophelia is cared about by her family. they seem to only want what they think is best for her. Hamlet is very smart and i found it funny that he messed with the guards heads and was actually sucessful. Hamlets uncle is a jerk. He knows what he married his brothers wife for. He's a sneaky, sneaky man.

  7. Conor Foley,

    I always seem to get confused with shakespeare but I think that Hamlet is going crazy because he cant see ophelia. To many things are happening in his life where he is reaching a crazy state. He doesn't like his step father, he is wondering if his father was murdered and he can't see the love of his life. I do wonder if Hamlet's father was murdered also

  8. Brianna Needs to get the characters straightened out. :) but i think its sweet for " the king and queen " to get Hamlets friends, so they night be able to cheer him up.

  9. I feel that claudius and gertrude plan of having other people spy on hamlet will back fire. And im wondering if hamlet every told ophelia that his trying to find out who killed his dad.And that why he going insane, but who knows if he really going insane because of that. And yes Polonius is very sneaky. Im also wondering if hamlet will fall for Polonius set up.

  10. Shanay says...In my opinion everyone needs to mind their own business and stop getting involved with Ophelia's and Hamlet's relationship. Whether the two are in love with one another should be decided and futher discussed between them only. I understand Hamlet's madness because he has to face everyone trying to convince the love of his life not to be with him. Claudius and Gertrude's sending Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to "spy" on Hamlet only makes matters worse, and may cause him to act in a much more insane way.

  11. You would think that with everyone acting so strangely, with the secrets and telling each other to behave, that Ophelia would know something was not right. I also think that Hamlet is losing it, not just because of the feeling of rage and revenge, but also due to his "relationship issues". Also, Hamlet seems like he is all around uncomfortable. It feels like the world in which he lives in (high society) is corrupt, and Hamlet is the one that really notices/ and or cares about that(Claudius being the king, and a drunken bad one at that). Perhaps that will fuel his fire further.

    - Savannah Goole

  12. Polonius has his servants spying on his son now, when he thought he could be trusted? and i called it, Hamlet and Ophelia are having problems due to their "love". i find it funny that Gertrude invites Hamlets friends over to try and find out whats wrong with him and to help her son.

  13. Wed. reading: It seems like Polonius distrusts both of his children,Ophelia for being with Hamlet and Laertes on his travels. I liked how cleaver and tricky Hamlet's plan to uncover the new king's plans are.
    Molly Howe

  14. shaquille...
    very confused about everything but jus wonderin if Guildenstern and Rosencrant really knew why Claudius and Gertrudesent sent them to spy on hamlet

  15. victoria mark
    what did laertes do to make his father so nosy about his behavior? polonius was incinuating some pretty bad stuff, and i guess ophelia was suspicious of some of his bad habits too. it is also interesting how polonius is telling reynaldo to dig up all this dirt on laertes from other people, but he has to see it for himself? why is he even bothering to ask around when he needs to 'see it for himself'?

  16. 2:1-i thought Polonius and Laertes was mad cool? Why he trying to have his son spied on?
    2:2- ok so Polonius seems to be having a problem with men that are younger than him...he should let his crying daughter suffer and not even think twice about hamlet. SO he is a tattle tell for telling Claudius, jerk!

  17. Damaris S.
    The people in this book are way too nosey actually.They need to learn how to mind their own business & stop trying to seperate Hamlet & that chick.It's messed up.The end.

  18. I think that by Polonius being so overly confident in his prediction of the cause of Hamlet's depression his reputation with the king and queen will be tarnished. Also why does Hamlet being to second guess what he saw(the ghost) after being so certain that it was his father?

  19. gertrude is an incompetent mother.

    the characters in this play are so two faced.

  20. When I came up to read that Hamlet's feelings changed due to his encounter with the apparition, but the other characters interpreted it in a whole different view. I found it amusing that they had said that Hamlet went through a "transformation," I just can't help but think of a Hulk-Hamlet. Anyway, Hamlet right now is going through some major issues concerning his own family, his dead father, his own uncle, and now he's also going through some love issues. Isn't life grand?

    PS: You can tell that Polonius is the tattle-tale type.

  21. First things first, Polonius is way too overbearing, I thought my dad was bad but Goodness! Most people are easier on their sons but I guess not him. Sooo.. he's having his servant spy on him? That's weird, you cant spy on your kids forever.
    Secondly, I think Opehlia and Polonius are way too full of themselves do they really think she's the cause of everything going on. In that case Hamlet would've been upset because I am sure he been knew that her father wasn't exstatic about them two being together. Also I am beganing to be a lil confused as to whether she really likes Hamlet or not because if she really loved him you'd think she wouldn't care what her father thought about them being together and knowing how overbearing her father is she wouldn't run and tell him every little thing that happens.
    Polonius is crazy. If I was him (especially back in those times) I would not go to the king and queen telling them that "your son was deeply in love with my daughter but I told her to ignore him because I dont want her to have anything to do with him he's really depressed and crazy." I would think they'd be offended and upset.
    Also I would definately not be so confident as to say that's definately the reason and swear my life on it. Definately Not!
    I really like the character of young Hamlet he seems funny and sweet. It was funny when he was messin with Polonius acting like he didnt know who he was. Also I liked the part with Hamlet and his two friends, I thought it was written very well, it seemed really genuine. I could imagine three guy friends meeting and talking about girls and saying dirty stuff like "In the secret parts of her Fortune? O, most true! Sheis a strumpet."LOL. Yea but the parts between them three was very honest.
    Also it was funny when Polonius came back(he may be an annoying character but it's fun to have him around) and Hamlet was messing w/ him.
    He was saying that the actors were coming and Hamlet sarcastically replied "buzz,buzz"(I am totally gonna use that phrase). It was also funny when Hamlet compared Polonius to Jephthah. I love the scenes between them two, they're funny
    The story the first player told was TOTALLY foreshadowing what is to come.
    Finally, in Hamlet's final speech I was so happy that he realized how dumb he was acting because throughout these scenes I was wondering why he's acting like"woe is me". If I found out my uncle who I already dont like for shacking up with my mom killed my father and took his throne I would be highly upset. Not all extra sad I would be MAD. However I guess Hamlet has a point it could be the devil but thats highly unlikely, I mean look at the clues:
    1.He's messin around with your mother in less than a month after HIS BROTHER died
    2. He had no problem quickly comin in and takin the throne(power hungry)
    But I guess to be safe its a good idea to do the play and hint to his uncle that he knows.
    Absolutely enjoyed the read tonight. It was funny.LOL:)

  22. I find it interesting that Gertrude is quick to assume that the reason for Hamlet's "insanity" is the death of his father and the quick remarriage of his mother, herself. Why is it that Hamlet is out of his mind and then as soon as the troupe arrives he becomes sane again? Does Hamlet ever figure out who Polonius actually is? It's hard to tell. At the end of Act II scene II, I think Hamlet is confused as to whether he should do as the ghost says or not. I'm not sure why exactly he doesn't trust the ghost because it is said to be the ghost of his father. But, getting proof by confession is not a bad idea either.

  23. I think that all the characters are crazy! There's lack of trust and everyone is in everyone's business. There would be all this drama in this book if people just mind there own business. Hamlet is confussed and doesnt know what he wants to do!

  24. aldin hamzabegovic
    i like how Shakespeare keeps one guessing to what is going to happen next in the play. He introduces new characters in the same scene to create a different mood and situation. By making the upcoming scenes unpredictable at times, Shakespeare is able to keep the reader interested. So far, reading the play has been interesting.

  25. A lot of thses charicters have more than one point of view, its confusing. Hamlit worries me...


    Sc. 1
    Its clear to me that Hamlet may've been upset about his father's recent death and about the news he just recieved about the murder. He slightly took it out on her, but for them to go tell Claudius seems like a bad move because he might very well take it and turn it into something else and Hamlet already isnt very fond of him.

  27. Claudius and Gertrudes sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on Hamlet. I feel that nobody wants Hamlet and Ophelia to be together and they would do anything to make sure that they are not together. Many of the characters are telling Ophelia to stay away from Hamlet and dont believe nothing that he has to say to her about his love for her.

  28. im noticing that most of the characters in this book have two sides to them or different dimensions that contrast or bring out the other. For instance, hamlet is super duper emo but is very clever (which was shown when he was messing with the guards).

  29. The usual bond that families share doesn't seem to be in any of the families in Hamlet. First Gertrude doesn't want Ophelia to see her son and then Polonius doesnt seem to trust Laertes. I think Shakespeare is preying on the things the crowd would think is a sacred bond, which would resonate with them.

  30. Karim -
    okay i lost track who's who and who is what to who. And is the fact that Ophelia isn't royal that big of a deal that noone thinks it's a good match.

  31. jayshawn says....
    Hamlet and ophelia's relationship kind of reminds me of romeo and juliet a little bit just for the simple fact that they're being advised not to talk to one another and telling ophelia not to except Hamlets gifts. why are people so against their relationship? If they both truly love eachother then it shouldnt matter. I also think sending Rosencratz and Guildenstern to spy on Hamlet was even more wrong,it was an invasion of his privacy something he has the right to. I think every one should stop trying to make assumptions of what Hamlet's feelings and state of mind is at this point in time

  32. Act 2 is somewhat confusing. Why would Polonius deny hamlet to love Ophelia. Wouldnt he gain from it? and my thing is how doesn't Hamlet know Polonius is Ophelias father? or does he, i dont know.Hamlet is smart for not telling his so called friends what has been on his mind.Hamlet really is thinking about killing Claudius if its true dat he caused his father death. Was the ghost his father?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Danielle said:
    I just wonder why Polonius is so controlling?
    How come he doesnt want Hamlet to love Ophelia?

  35. Polonius seems like a control freak but i don't see why! He's sending servants to spy on his son but i don't see the reason as to why. Is there something that we don't know that Polonius knows his son is up to? for whatever reason this just seems very odd to me. Reading further will help.

  36. polonius seems like he wants everything to go his way! He's super contolling in act 2! Why can't hamlet fall in love with his daughter?? Ugh dads these days!
