Monday, February 15, 2010

Friday February 26, 2010

IMPORTANT: the blog for Monday March 1 may be out of order. Please access through the list on the side. Thank you.

Savage Chickens by Doug Savage

First Hamlet vocabulary quiz today!

Act III. scene i notes:
Queen Gertrude and King Claudius inquire of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern how their meeting with Hamlet went. They reply he was "most like a gentleman", didn't ask many questions but answered any they had.

Polonius then puts into play his plan for his daughter Ophelia to speak to Hamlet, whilst he and the king listen in, this being to ascertain if Hamlet's madness is really caused by his love for Ophelia.

Hamlet enters and we have his famous to be or not to be speech. Should he kill himself? What are the arguments for and against suicide?

Hamlet and Ophelia converse. She returns his "perfume-lost" love letters. Hamlet plays word games with her, questioning her honesty and telling her to "get thee to a nunnery" for he is "indifferent honest" and an "arrant knave." As he speaks harshly to Ophelia, but perhaps the words are really meant for his mother. He then says, That those that are married already / all but one, shall live"(III.i.160). On that note, he leaves.
Ophelia's very distraught over this noble mind o'er throwned. But the King realizes that love is not the root of Hamlet's madness."His affections do not tend that way." He determines to send the Prince to England., as "Madness in great ones must not unwatced go." Polonous still thinks Ophelia is the cause, but asks King Claudius to let the Queen privately speak with her son aabout her grief, before he is sent away.
Act III.ii.
Hamlet practices with players / actors and gives them new lines to insert into the play. Shakespeare has him give good advice to being a successful performer. These words hold true today. As well, he tells Horatio of his plans, that he is to "rivit" to the [King's] face." Horatio agrees to watch carefully.
The play: Hamlet makes bawdy allusions with Ophelia, and she notes that he is "merry".
In the play within the play: note that Hamlet tells the King the play is entitled "The Mousetrap." In"The Murder of Gonzago" the former king's death, Hamlet's father's murder, is reenacted. Claudius has a fit and the play is brought to a premature end.
Horatio too has noted the king's behavior and Guildenstern informs him of the king's choler (anger) and that the Queen wishes to speak with him. With both Guildenstern and Polonius, Hamlet plays more word games, augmenting the belief that he is truly mad. The scene ends with the "witching time of night" when Hamlet knows he is capable of action. But to his mother, he must "be cruel, not unnatual"; "speak daggers, but use none."

Act III.iii
The King tells Rosencrantz and Guidenstern to take Hamlet to England.
Polonius informs the King that Hamlet is with his mother. King Claudius' reflects on his actions. Hamlet observes him "a-praying" and so decides not to kill him, because that would mean the King would be forgiven in God's eyes. Remember his father is in Purgatory; how ironic if his murderer goes to heaven.
Act III.iv
Polonius hides behind the arras (curtain), whilst Hamlet converses with his mother. Hamlet kills Polonius, This is an intense scene. What do you think is the nature of the relationship between Hamlet and his mother? He is violent towards her, makes vivid comparisons between his father and her new husband, and overt sexual references. His father's ghost appears- or does it, as only Hamlet sees him- and chides him: "Do not forget. This visitation / Is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose"(III.iv.126-7). In the meantime, Gertrude thinks he is crazy and asks him to "sprinkle cool patience". When the ghost leaves, Hamlet explains he "must be cruel to be kind." She should not "go to my uncle's bed"...for "a pair of reechy kisses." The scene concludes with her acquiesing to Hamlet's demands and Hamlet telling her that he is to England with "two school fellows / Whom [he] will trust as adders fanged". (Note that he refers to the "letters sealed" his friends carry. These are a mandate from Claudius to kill the Prince, but Hamlet is aware and relishes the idea "when in one line two crafts directly meet". First though he'll "lug the guts (that's Polonius) into the neighbor room."

Friday addendum: this was a snow day. Vocabulary quiz Monday, as well as quiz on Acts III and IV.
Friday's blog posting for Monday is Act IV.


  1. in these scenes we start to see cloudious' true nature. he is obviosly shaken and afrid hamlet is on to him. hamlet over reacted when he stabbed the tapestry. I think he is actualy crazy.

  2. In Act IV scenes i and ii seem to show that Gertrude is not loyal to Hamlet by telling Claudius about his actions.
    Act IV scenes iii and iv, Is the reason that Claudius orders Hamlet to be killed because he feels threatened by him? And Hamlet is to be killed in England, correct? Is that because in Denmark the execution of Hamlet would be bad for Claudius' name?
    Act IV scene vi- Shakespeare seems to use the pirate attack to Hamlet's advantage and gives him a second chance to try to take revenge on Claudius.

  3. Claudious is a jerk for trying to get hamlet killed. Of course hamlet seems like a threat because he is better than claudious. I dont think that hamlet should have to suffer, he's done nothing wrong.

  4. omg i really dont like claudious. He so insecure with himself. But im confused in act3 Hamlet and Ophelia are talking. I thought they were not allowed to even see eachother... how was the able to talk to each other with out getting in to trouble.

  5. aldin hamzabegovic
    first of all i think hamlets play was a good idea.he was only trying to find out the truth behind his fathers death.

    why was ophelia singing in act 4 scene 5?????

    I'm wondering how hamlet will react when he finds out that ophelia has drowned.

  6. Keyana Coley

    Well heres my comments I didnt get to hand into you in class.
    Act III
    Having read the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, I found this whole section funny because I was imagining it through that play. However this play and the other really makes one question whattheir motives are. Also I agree with Polonius however I believe he is just trying to gain more power by using Ophelia as a pawn.Also I believe Hamlets plan is really smart,howevr if he really believed the ghost was his father why would he question it.The plan totally worked too but stillll I wonder. Its also ironic when he goes to his mom saying he'll speak with daggers but not use them when he does both.Futhermore his mom was sooo stupid for listening to Polonius I mean come on, but I guess Polonius got his....

  7. From Friday..

    How did Hamlet know who was in the curtains? I mean, was he really that riled up where he would stab blindly at someone hidden away? Also, what did Hamlet do to scare the queen? Shakespeare really could have used more stage directions here. I'm not really sure exactly what he did to make her yell out. I feel that this is when Hamlet really looses it. He felt resentment for his mother before, but now he gets very mentally (maybe physically) abusive towards her.

    - Savannah Goole

  8. 3.2
    Hamlet's lil monologue to the player before the show really apealed to me as an actress. He gives some great acting tips. For instance, dont over act things even if it may be funny live in the moment of the scene, "suit the action to the word". Also I find it funny how doing the show Hamlet's all over Ophelia even though he totally dissed her before. The only reason he's talking to her now is to act natural. One thing I love about Hamlet is his witty cunning ways. It great when he says to the king "Tis a knavish piece of work, but what of that? Your majesty and we that have free souls, it touches us not." LOL! I'm surprised the king didn't know they were showing what he did earlier, it took for them to get to the poison part.
    Hamlet's monologue at the end of 3.2 was very dark. In that part he's saying that although he's going to get really cruel and mean with his mom he has to remember she's not the one he's suppose to kill..That says Alot about the state he was in at that time.
    3.3 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are like the king's lil pets. Goodness! Oh and dont get me started on Polonius. He pops up EVERYWHERE!! Like I dont understand why he's always He seem like a pest, although his character for me is like the comic relief 'cause he's such a pest and nagging that it's funny. Also the fact that Hamlet decides to wait to kill Claudius because he dont want him to be in heaven says a lot about religion at the time just by Shakespeare putting that in there. But I agree I would want to make sure my father's killer burned in hell.
    3.4 OMG!! Once again guess who shows up? You got it..Polonius.LOL!!!
    See I tried to tell him to mind his own business but nooo he didn't listen so Oops now he's!!
    You tell her Hamlet! She diserves to hear every word of it, how could someone marry two months after the husband dies and their brother at that?! Yup and I bet she dont listen to the warning sooo here it goes.......
    Gertrude Dont Sleep Or Go NEAR claudius, OK?!
    4.1 Nope...she aint hear a word I said, she'll see
    4.2 That's the word I was looking for "sponge". Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are lil sponges to the king. I dont know why they acting surprised like they didn't know "who us, sponges?(gasp)" I wouldn't tell em nothin either
    4.3 So Hamlet's cool and all but the whole thing about bodies decomposing and worms feedin on em was nasty. I think he was just tryna gross out claudius. I cant stress enough how much I love Hamlet and his witty remarks. The king thought he was smart saying "only if you knew why u were getting sent there" and Hamlets like "oh believe me I know"
    4.4 Hamlet has a great monologue. The war is dumb. They are going to have a huge fight over a small piece of land and Hamlet still didnt kill the guy who killed his father yet( which is way more valuable than a piece of land).
    4.5 Awww poor Ophelia :(
    Claudius could shut up 'cause he know he dnt care about Polonius' death.
    4.6 Hamlet..ugh.. I really liked you did you have to get your friends killed?
    4.7 Claudius what was the point of repenting if your still gonna be mean and try to kill people?! Now he spilled the beans and told Laertes Hamlet killed his father. I have to admit Claudius is much smarter than I gave him credit for. On top of that he appealed to his soft spot by questioning Laertes love for his father by saying if you loved your father you'd showing it by getting revenge on Hamlet. So either Laertes is gonna have a sword fight w/ Hamlet (his sword having a poison tip) or the king's gonna poison him.
    Oh yea, and Ophelia died which i found just weird, I really dnt know hot to feel about that.

  9. Willie said... Hamlet is being very out spoken to everybody he talks to becuase he knows there all fake people towards him they just want to know whats got him actting this way but he kept his secret. Claudious was trying to get Hamlet killed very bad i didnt like this becuase i wanted Hamlet to over come ever obstacle and person he encountered. Ophelia died and Lateres has been hurtting alot God knows what hes going to do next. He might take it out on Hamlet.

  10. In act three scene two it seems Hamlet is getting closer to knowing the truth. Though, to everyone else I'm sure he seems quite crazy still. I want to know how Hamlet will react to the situation and how he will handle it.

    Act three scene three: We finally hear Claudius' confession, but of course to himself.
    Act three scene four: Although I believe she deserves it, I can not believe Hamlet is talking to his mother in such a disrespectful manner. Also, I dont think Polonius deserved to die. Even though he was involved by spying and contributing to Hamlet's insanity, he was ultimately unaware of bad things that went on.

    Act four scene one: At this point does Claudius know that Hamlet knows what he did? He is obviously guilty but has he realized that Hamlet knows yet? He continues to just tell people that Hamlet's crazy.

    Act four scene four: Hamlet does sound quite insane when Claudius tells him he is going to England and when Hamlet tells about the dead body. Also if Claudius is sending Hamlet away, why is he talking about killing him?

    Act four scene five: So now Ophelia is insane? Because of her fathers death?

    Act four scene seven: Laertes seems to be a very unlucky guy. First the death of his father, then the drowning of his sister. Also I thought Claudius didn't want Hamlet to die because Gertrude loved him too much, so why is Claudius planning the death of Hamlet with Laertes?

  11. Sarah Mullen loves how clever Hamlet is. He's got almost everybody wrapped around his little finger. He is supposed to be put to death and ends up getting his buddies killed instead. He is able to kill his girlfriend's dad and kind of get away with it. All of his sneaking around might lead him to trouble, though. He ought to be real careful.
    OPHELIA!!! NOOO! That really sucks. She shouldn't have died. Not even cool. But I must say... she drowned herself in grief? Dramaticcc. This whole play she has been thinking of one person: herself. She didn't listen to anyone's warnings about her lover Hamlet and then she didn't even consider how many people her dying may hurt.

  12. I found myself able to connect with Hamlet's plan in act iii to try to make the king uncomfortable and to watch his reaction to the play because I have done something simliar in the past. My question is that in act iv, since Hamlet has decided to return and is no longer going to England, is the king accidentally going to have one of his friends killed by whoever it was in England that he had set up to kill Hamlet?

  13. Hamlet is very sly, but in a sinister way, he was suppoesed to die!!! but his friends were killed instead, not cool. Also really Ophelia?!?! this isn't all about you sweetheart. This story is filled with weird twists and I wonder what's in store for Hamlet next...more corruption most likely.

  14. yup im confused..not about the book, but the blog itself...
    3:2-That play was mad obvious, and im glad hamlet did it that way. It makes you mad and happy at the same time that he sat next to Ophelia. Muha
    3:3-ok way to pray late Claudius, you get a hand clap for being the biggest phony, no wonder your "words without thoughts never to heaven go." BECAUSE YOUR DIRTY
    3:4- Man Polonius had it coming...i wonder how the news will take to Ophelia.
    4:1-Man this queen is killing me. She need to take care of her son herself. She keep being her good ole wonder they are married...

  15. According to Act 3, it does seem that Hamlet is going mad. His hatred and anger has steered him off the path of revenge that his father's spirit has bestowed unto him, to kill off Claudius. Hamlet however really has been driven mad (perhaps insane) and even has stood up to his mother Queen Gertrude. In the end he killed Polonius accidentally out of anger and for the sake of revenge, thinking it was Claudius. Reminds me a little bit of Star Wars 3.

    For act 4, Hamlet is making a round trip to Britain, not exactly. Heading home via pirates should be interesting. Oh the drama! There goes Ophelia, singing about death, Laertes getting pissed about Polonius' death, and whoa! Ophelia committed suicide! Talk about an old school soap opera!

    By now, Hamlet seems like he's been changed from innocent to total psycho. Here's my question. Going this far into the play, seriously, who's the good guy and who's the bad guy?

  16. 4:2-why does Hamlet not tell where polonius body is?
    4:3-So now im wondering, how does killing Hamlet help with anything? To many deaths without solid reason for why they occurred.
    4:4- This scene served no point for me.So Hamlet becomes more furious?
    4:6-Its not clear why Hamlet is returning? Why did he go in the first place, i mean even though Claudius told him to leave, he wasn't forced.
    4:7-OpheliA DEAH seemed expected.

  17. seems like people are going to slowly start dying off. Starting with Ophelia.

  18. Damaris S.--
    I actually think this story is pretty messed up due to the fact that all the characters have these weird,messed up ways of thinking. Hamlet was supposed to get killed off, but that obviously didnt happen.Huh.Weird :P

  19. I think Hamlet is going through a tough time and does need to go away from the world because his actions are becoming out of control. Me personally I think Polonius deserved to die but not on Hamlet's hand. That idea of not killing someone at prayer is ideotic. Whether he kills him at prayer or not he still deserved to die and that wouldve been a good class.

  20. Claudius thinks that Hamlet is catching onto him and Hamlet is going insane and stabbing curtains.

  21. Hamlet is starting to seem like a genius. His plan is unfolding and people just think he's crazy even though he's very aware of his actions. I still doubt he's going mad, and have a feeling that he knew what he as doing when he killed polonius. Also Ophelia's death...not cool.

  22. Shana Harris- Hamlet needs to just be strong and try to overcome all the obstacles that is happening so far. Why does Claudius want Hamlet to be killed so bad? Hamlet is very smart and he is on to everything that is going on. I just want everyone to leave Hamlet alone! He doesn't deserve any of this :(

  23. jayshawn says.....
    I must say that Hamlet is truly a clever man. His death was planned and all but his friends die!! how the heck does that happen!! I think he's just too intelligent to let anything phase him and I think its going to get him further than most of the characters in this play. People like ophelia are just better off gone anyways,really like what was the point of killing yourself ophelia?! ugh that irks me so much

  24. Act III: I didn't expect that Claudius would admit to killing King Hamlet, but he only admitted it to himself. Shakespeare had to tell the reader that Claudius actually did kill him though. And I hadn't expected that Ophelia would kill herself over the decision of her family and Hamlet.

  25. Shanay says...
    I know this is extremely late but here it is:

    Act 4- This scene is full of suprises, where Hamlet is showing his intelligence and cleverness. His writing notes to the King expresses his awareness of his plots to kill him. In my opinion Ophelia's death was unnecessary because she didn't have to drown herself. In the middle of act 7,what was the point of Claudius asking Laertes if he loved his father? That to me shows disrespect and rudeness, to where the young man never showed any hate toward his father. Claudius is as well showing his "true colors" as a evil, uncautious devil who in the end deserves to die.

    Act 5- In this scene I think that Hamlet shows his real feelings for Ophela, and Laertes is cruel to point blame at Horatio for her death. Although one may agree with his accusations. The gravedigger is a weird part of this act; does he have any significance to the play itself??

  26. conor foley,

    claudius is plotting to kill hamlet and he doesn't succedd. Hamlet's friends were killed and hamlet goes crazy. but hamlet knows that claudiud is plotting to kill him so it shows hamlets intelligence. Ophelia commites suicide
    and hamlets true emotions come out for her.

  27. Through out the book the higher athority been lying to the people of the village and after they did that something bad always happen after that. They lied about Ophelias death and how it happened they buried her in the church grave yard and prayed over when she didnt desevere that at all. I wouldnt be surprise if something bout to happen next in the story. Lartes and Hamlet got into alittle wrestling fight Hamlet thought he was trying to show off and Hamlet is taking it the wrong way to me but every since lateres lost his sister and father he been going crazy about alot of things to and him and Hamlet got beef so i wonder what going to happen to on out of the two of them they might hurt eachother, but i got to wqit and see.

  28. act 3
    hamlet's rant to his mother makes me wonder what kind of mother she was, because she is so blind to the effects of her actions. he must have had a pretty messed up childhood. and why is it that when the ghost appears during his conversation with his mother, only he can see it? is the ghost a real entity, or just a figmnent of his imagination?
    act 4
    claudious in scene 5 complains that he has to deal with all these problems and is being killed by them, when they are problems that HE created! his melodramatic 'oh, poor me' speech is a bunch of b.s.
    and laertes is a total steryotype. he has to be the manly man and avenge his father's death, and he believes that crying is for women. could his character be shakespeare satizing the typical male?

    victoria mark

  29. Ok so i am ever so lost about this blog thing i do better to just cotinuing writing it down every time i read but even thats off track now!! so im just simply going to BLOG!!! I believe taht hamlet is doing just a little too much and needs to go take a CHIll PILL i mean he is going through alot at this point but hge ought not let his circumstancce influence his actions. LIke stabbing the curtain or fabric that was unnecessary!! Although, he is pretty smart for doing that little play to see Claudius's reaction to it. I mean it's and old trick of the trade!

  30. the death of Ophelia is only going to make Hamlet crazier and will lead to more conflict throught the play, on top of Claudius's attempt to get hamlet killed, and Gurtrude not being able to trust Hamlet. it looks like His like is in a downward spiral.

  31. act 3: the play was interesting! i found Hamlet's attemot to kill his uncle funny!
    act 4: the death of Ophelia is really goin to affect Hamlet in a big way! he's already dealing with the death of his dad and now his love one?! thats just goin to make him go insane. things just keep getting worse for poor hamlet!

  32. All of act 5-I found it very wrong that they faked Ophelia's death. I believe that they just wanted to hurt Hamlet. Hamlet is being very strong even though he is being put through a lot of obstacles. & why would Laertes blame Horatio for Ophelia's death? That was very cruel of him! I really dont get this book ! But im trying :(

  33. I dont like Claudius and was pretty shocked wthen he admited to killing the King but to himself and I feel like Ophelias death will just make Hamlet go crazy

  34. ophelia, the first of many.

    but did anyone honestly not see that king hammy was obviously murdered I mean come on. sucks for hammy jr. though, first his dad then his woman. bummer dude.

  35. For last thursday, friday, monday,and tuesday:

    I have been confused lately in class. However now that im catching up, im more informed but still somewhat confused. In scene 3, why does Hamlet stop loving Ophelia? Does he feel like everyone is Against him or what. Its as if he is going mad, maybe he felt that Polonius was watching. Another thing, as well as when the play is taking place. Why does Claudious give Hamlet the hint that he feels giulty? That was where he did wrong. It only prooved more to Hamlet. As well, Is it me or is everyone giving Hamlet reasons to act crazy. no alone time, no privacy, they're are leading him to madness. Polonious should have been killed. He is interfering way too much, Listening in conversation bettween hamlet and his mother. Hamlet has good sense on where to strike. So the ghost is percieved as Hamlets father, right?
    As in Scene 4. IT seems Hamlet is really pushing people away. Even his so called "Freinds" can't even get a peep out of him. Thus, meaning Hamlet trusts no one, and will have to do his avenging solo. Cluadious, like mentioned before, why doesn't he kill Hamlet, he is the King? Also the reaction from Ophelia after her fathers death was qiute expected. First her Hamlet, then hher (siucidal thougts). And Leartes came just in time to see his sister dead, father dead, and revenge on Hamlet when he comes back from his "short" trip. Overall im having trouble on Hamlets feelings,and his motives. Does he wwant to kill claudious, and everyine else.?
