Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday March 2

Vocabulary 2 quiz for Hamlet is this Friday. It will be the same format. Well done with yesterday's quiz!

You were to have read Act V.i. last night

In class:
Select one following soliloquies from Hamlet and paraphrase in paragraph form. Make sure you include the setting from which the soliloquy has evolved.

549 Now I am alone.
550 O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!
551 Is it not monstrous that this player here,
552 But in a fiction, in a dream of passion,
553 Could force his soul so to his own conceit
554 That from her working all his visage wann'd,
555 Tears in his eyes, distraction in his aspect,
556 A broken voice, and his whole function suiting
557 With forms to his conceit? and all for nothing!
558 For Hecuba!
559 What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,
560 That he should weep for her? What would he do,
561 Had he the motive and the cue for passion
562 That I have? He would drown the stage with tears
563 And cleave the general ear with horrid speech,
564 Make mad the guilty and appall the free,
565 Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed
566 The very faculties of eyes and ears. Yet I,
567 A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak,
568 Like John-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause,
569 And can say nothing; no, not for a king,
570 Upon whose property and most dear life
571 A damn'd defeat was made. Am I a coward?
572 Who calls me villain? breaks my pate across?
573 Plucks off my beard, and blows it in my face?
574 Tweaks me by the nose? gives me the lie i' the throat,
575 As deep as to the lungs? who does me this?
576 Ha! 'Swounds, I should take it: for it cannot be
577 But I am pigeon-liver'd and lack gall
578 To make oppression bitter, or ere this
579 I should have fatted all the region kites
580 With this slave's offal. Bloody, bawdy villain!
581 Remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!
582 O, vengeance!
583 Why, what an ass am I! This is most brave,
584 That I, the son of a dear father murder'd,
585 Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell,
586 Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words,
587 And fall a-cursing, like a very drab,
588 A stallion! Fie upon't! foh!
589 About, my brain! Hum — I have heard
590 That guilty creatures sitting at a play
591 Have by the very cunning of the scene
592 Been struck so to the soul that presently
593 They have proclaim'd their malefactions;
594 For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak
595 With most miraculous organ. I'll have these players
596 Play something like the murder of my father
597 Before mine uncle. I'll observe his looks;
598 I'll tent him to the quick. If he but blench,
599 I know my course. The spirit that I have seen
600 May be the devil, and the devil hath power
601 To assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps
602 Out of my weakness and my melancholy,
603 As he is very potent with such spirits,
604 Abuses me to damn me. I'll have grounds
605 More relative than this: the play's the thing
606 Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king.


To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer 65
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks 70
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, 75
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay, 80
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life, 85
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of? 90
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn away, 95
And lose the name of action.


  1. willie said... Hamlet died that was sad. It made me angry that cluadis and Lateres would set him up that way. Hamlet told Horati to share his story to everybody for the rest of his time on earth. Hamlet told him this so the people will remember his death it wont be in vain. Hamlet also told him this to try to get claudis off the throne becuase hes a fraud and he lyed about the death of Hamlets father and about Ophelias death. this will probably start a roit and people will take action to find better leader ship Hamlet obviously got his faith in fortinbras becuase before he died he gave his vote to him.

  2. Act V, i- I thought that Hamlet's thoughts on death and how everyone no matter how powerful you are eventually die was interesting.
    Act V, ii- The trick set up to murder Hamlet was cleaver on Shakespeare's part, and the whole thing half back-fired on Claudius and Lateres.

  3. aldin hamzabegovic
    the ending of the play was a good one. i just think that the events which occured happened too fast. the characters died right after they drunk the poison, i think it would have been much more interesting if the last scene was extended and if the characters didnt die so fast.
    the play was very good, and i enjoyed reading the conclusion.

  4. Laertes and Claudius come up with three different ways to Kill Hamlet!! Shows how much they wanted him dead, they had two back- up's!!!

  5. ... the whole thing is about revenge, and personal vengeance! WOW.

  6. Laertes and Claudius were crazy for wanting Hamlet to die. He was already conflicted in the head and wanted to kill himself. Why not just wait for that? That's probably why the plan kind of backfired. It's upsetting that Hamlet died. He was a cool yet crazy dude. Awesome ending. I hate LAertes and Claudius

  7. Wow... a lot of death. Claudius finally got what he deserved. I think it's cool that Hamlet wants Horatio to tell his story. It's sad that Hamlet dies but he did cause a lot of drama so I'm sure it is better for the town. Interesting ending.

  8. The way Hamlet set his friends up to die was messed up however, they were doing the same thing to him even if they didn't know it soo...i guess its even?
    Aww Hamlet come on, your conscience is telling you not to fight Laertes and so is Horatio LISTEN TO THEM. Odds are something weird is going on why woud the king out of no where be so eager for you to fight Laertes at this instant and plus you know he got somethin up his sleave because he's up to no good. He will kill you as he killed your father.DONT DO IT PLEEEEASE :(
    Hamlet is such a sweetie :) He's apologizing to Laertes for everything that happened between him and his family and he told him that he simply went crazy.
    LOL. Gertude is such a mom. It would be her to make sure Hamlet wipes his face and stuff before the battle. "Wait before you stab him come here and let mommy wipe your face"LOL!
    So yea...real smart to leave the cup there where someone else (Gertude) could be dumb and pick it up and drink it. Man, and I was just starting to warm up to her character, you jerk.
    I am confused what is the left hand seizure?
    See Laertes you should've just wept for your family at home in your room like a normal person now you and Hamlet is dead. Which makes me sad, cause you reminded me of my brothers. sigh
    WE LAUGHED("in the secret parts of Fortune? O, most true! She is a strumpet.)
    WE HAD A MELTDOWN("to be or not to be;that's the question).
    WE HAD RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS("Get thee to a nunery,farewell.If thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool..").
    WE ARGUED W/ OUR MOM("Ha!Have you eyes?You cannot call it love for at your age the heyday in the blood is tame...")
    WE CRIED("I loved Ophelia.Forty thousand brothers could not w/ all their quantity of love make up my sum.")
    WE FORGAVE("Give me your pardon,sir. I have done you wrong;..)

  9. Oh yea, I as well as Horatio will let your story live on. You are gone but shall never be forgotten!

  10. Damaris S.--
    So this play was really depressing. Everyone basically got killed off & the main character contemplated his own death (or suicide) & ended up dying regardless. Umm no comment really. I'm not too fond of death & junk. Agreeing with Aldin, it would've been more interesting if the play would've been extended & the entire cast didnt get killed off.The end :)

  11. Laertes and Claudius just had some kind of mental issues. What kinds of friends would actually plot to kill their own friend? That just makes things even more weird when it comes to this play and Hamlet's death like whoa! very shocking. I wonder what was the point of killing everybody off,it doesnt make sense to me but hey i guess it is what it is

  12. when hamlet has the conversation with the grave digger and he starts messing with him by taking everything he says literally, hamlet complains that he is being impolite, even though hamlet is like the master of play on words. its a double standard just becuase the gravedigger is of a lower class.
    victoria mark

  13. conor foley,

    There was alot of deaths in this book. Claudius and laertes really wanted hamlet dead. they had plans to kill him. Hamlet was already contemplatin suicide and he was confused. Horatio gave hamlet his word that he would tell hamlets story. This would tell that the king was a fraud and he killed hamlet sr.

  14. well since its Shakespeare I kind of figured everyone would die in the end. Including the queen. But why didn't Hamlet care that he had set up his friends to be killed? That part confused me.

  15. There was a lot of death in the book and it was really depressing. I think the way that Laertes and Claudius set up Hamlet was really messed up seeing as Hamlet was already sort of crazy and was already contemplating suicide. I also believe that it makes sense for Hamlet to ask Horatio to spread his story.

  16. 5:2-hmmmm, interesting.One thing i notice how did the queen die so slow after she sipped the cup with poison, but as soon a Claudius takes a sip he dies instantly..why did Hamlet chose Fortinbras as the next king? Also why did Fortinbras find HAmlet so heroic he was just as crazy as the rest of them, this is one twisted story man.

  17. Act V.i

    There's something different about Hamlet in this scene, I don't know, he seems different here compared to his earlier scenes of madness. He still has his way with the words though, as he speaks to the gravedigger. I bet when he heard that Ophelia died, he begins to let out a mixture of emotions. What a weird man he is, this Prince of Dane.

    Act V.ii

    Oh what a tragedy this is! I happened to like this one scene as there was action along with the intense drama. Hamlet knowing of Claudius's and Laerte's plans to kill him, it seemed like a part of his mind knew he would die in the end, so he took this chance to finally have his revenge. It is definitely sad to see so many people die, the result of when Hamlet Sr. was poisoned in the ear.

  18. Ok So this playwriight as well as the people in it was crazy! MOstly because it took a minute to comprehend!But anywho , I thought polonius was slick..guess he dosen't have his son by a longshot. After reading and doing my best to comprehend what was going on i find it very interesting how the play ended. Ic ant beelieve every died off the way they did. I mean i knew hamlet was going to die as well as ophelia, but i didnt think Claudius , gertrude, and LAretes would all die as well and around the same time and place as well.Another thing i found interesting is right when Hamlet was fighting his death his most loyal friend HOratio who was there at the present time was going to drink what was left of the poison and die with his fellow mate. Instead, Hamlet saying NO! give me that glass of poison and you live on and tell my story , tell the truth as to why ma life has become what it is and why i will have died today. TEll the truth in which people already think they know but really dont. Horatio being the loyal and Loving friend he was to HAmlet he did just that. ONe also realizes now taht claudius was the one to commit HAmlet Sr. Murder and shall be credited as such. Ironically though the very plan that laretes and claudius came up with to kill of Hamlet backfired on them as well. THis entity of the playwright truly shows that KArma is real , and whatever goes around comes right back around you just never know when or how.

  19. well i read Act 5 a little early and posted most of my thought on the on the date before this one. I think they shouldve got Ophelia help before she could drown herself. And Laertes seemed somewhat fake. Where had he been all their lives? Now out of no where at their deaths he decides to arrive. Maybe he did it all to be known, for some sort of credit. The queen deserved to die somewhat but she didnt hace to. Claudius if he really wanted her alive he could have some kinda way distracted her from drinking it and saved it but he didnt and she died. Hamlet let Claudius have it in the end. Wounded him with the sword and made him drink the poision. Im glad Horatio was the one who survived in the end because he was a really good trustworthy friend throughout the entire play and he deserves to recognized.

  20. this play is very depressing and I hate the fact that wveryone dies!!

  21. thank god that hamlet died, that guy totally sucked. The ending was kind of depressing though, and i definitely noticed some romeo-juliet themes going on here. Its almost like they are both from the same writer!

  22. At the end of the play, I feel that Hamlet struggled mainly with his own conscience, and soul. Killing Claudius, or not to kill Claudius, to seek revenge, or not to. To be, or not to be..blah blah.
    The fact that everyone dies show's that All That is Not Well does not End Well. (haha, haha.)

  23. and everybody died. the end.

    perfect ending.

  24. dead, dead, dead. Shakespeare has some issues. Why do people go around killing their friends and families? Was that a common thing during the time or did William just have some serious rage? As with most Billy Shakespeare plays the main charater struggles mostly with himself and its fitting that he is killed. It reminded me of Macbeth a little.
    The "to be or not to be" speech is so overplayed in the theatre world that I knew half of it by heart. I've never preformed it in my life. That bugs me.

  25. The play was kinda sad but i didnt like the fact that everybody died off! Thats wack besides to fact it took me a min. to understand what was actually happening. Everybody died. The End. Have a nice day! =D
