Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday March 18, 2010


Vocabulary 11 is due on Monday.
As stated in class, if you are on the AP History field trip, you are responsible for turning the work in before leaving.
In class: Monday is the assessment for Beyond the Horizon. If you are on the trip, please complete the assessment and turn it in prior to leaving. As well, if you so choose, anyone else may complete the assignment at home or wait until class.
Directions: You have four painting images above. These are obviously not narrative pictures, rather they are abstract and surreal. Your objective is to demontrate that you have comprehended the characters and themes expressed in O'Neill's Beyond the Horizon, obviously, with vivid precise details (from the look of Thursday's synopses (yes, that is spelled correctly; this is the plural of synopsis), some folks did not read. You clearly will have to have finished the play to do well on this. This counts as a writing assignment! (30%)
For each of the four images, you should write how they metaphorically connect to the play in terms of character (s) and / or theme. You of course will use plot details to support your statements. There is no need for textural evidence; you do not have time. Take 10 minutes for each.
In terms of a rubric: each picture is worth 25 points, 15 for content, 10 for grammar, capitalization, punctuation and style.
Shoot an e-mail with any questions.

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