Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday March 3, 2010

In class: we are reading Act V. This is your last blog. Well done on yesterday's response to the soliloquies. Over the next couple days, we'll finish the play and go over the blog comments / questions; then watch the film.
Final assessement next Wednesday.
Remember: vocabulary quiz Friday. Check the blog, if you need the list.

Bonus 25: Look at the image above and identify the scene.


  1. aldin hamzabegovic
    the soliloquies in which hamlet spoke in my opinion are very important. it showed how he felt during this time, and it displayed all of the crazy things which were going through his mind.

  2. The "To Be or Not to Be" soliloquy was interesting, it showed that Hamlet was really afraid of the problems he was facing in his life at the time. This soliloquy also shows how today's adolescence feel the same way in their life, and how this feeling of teen angst dates back to Shakespearean times.

  3. The to be or not to be monologue was interesting. It shows the true emotions of Hamlet; showed his true insanity. I knew that he was disturbed but i never thought he was that crazy.

  4. hamlet clearly feels guilty that an actor is able to be more animate about his 'father' being murdered than hamlet is in reality, yes, he is an 'ass'. so whiny.

    pictured above is the DUEL between hammy and laertes

  5. I really like the "to be or not to be" solliloquy because in it Hamlet portrays death in a way that many people don't. I'm speaking mostly of the part about dreams not so much the death-sleep comparison.

    Bonus: the above picture is Act 5 scene 2 when Hamlet and Laertes are dueling.

  6. "To be, or not to be--that is the question:
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
    And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep--
    No more--" if I hear that one more time...
    So, I chose the other soliloquy. I thought it was very interesting to see the inner conflict that Hamlet had. He was upset with himself that an actor could portray better emotions, with no real cause behind them. This disappointment in self drives him to work even harder to avenge his father and do crazy things, that in the end cost him his life. Each of Shakespeare's main characters has some sort of struggle with self that I find very interesting and enjoy examining.

  7. Damaris S.--
    The picture above is the duel between Laertes and Hamlet!

  8. number one i could have swore the bonus where suppose to be handed in in class...the soliloquy " To be, or not to be.." To be honest this whole thing messed me up, by reading it and finding out the true meaning in class i realize i thought totally opposite of what i thought was right. So i felt it could have been more clear.

  9. "To be or not to be" was a very cool in my eyes because it had alot of meaning to it but the m,ajor problem was the fact that hamlet didnt know whatwould happen after death....he dint know whether he would have dreams or nightmares during his time away from earth.

    Hamlet and Laertes are dueling in the picture above!!!!

  10. Act 5-

    The play was kinda sad but i didnt like the fact that everybody died off! Thats wack besides to fact it took me a min. to understand what was actually happening. Everybody died. The End. Have a nice day! =D

  11. The "To be or not to be" siloquy was a very different outlook on life and death. I liked the ways he expressed how hard life can be sometimes and how you may want to end it all. Although life isn't easy he also questioned whether or not death was easy,not in a literal sense but more like after death. Are you truly at peace? Or just entering a never endinng dream or perhaps a nightmare. He questioned so much of the what life and death truly are and I think I can agree

  12. "To be or not to be that is the question" Hamlet really showed his true colors in this silioquy. He talked about his battle of either taking his own life or going on to continue to live in unhappiness on earth. He questioned how he wasn't really sure what death brought but wasn't sure if he was ready to see what the rest of his life held
