Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday May 17, 2010

In class today: You are working in assigned groups on the following study questions. These are due for a grade at the close of class. One person will scribe for the whole group. If you are absent, please write out your personal responses.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; 41-82 Yes, this is beyond the assigned weekend pages, but this lets you get ahead. Have one person in your group scribe your responses. Make sure everyone’s name is on the paper, in order to get credit.

Introduction With McMurphy, the ward begins to change and the fundamental battle between Ratched and McMurphy looms.
Answer the following questions fully, using another sheet of paper.
1. What do you suppose the fog is?
Is it real?
Why does the Chief need it?
Are there any patients totally lost in the fog?
2. What is the hypothetical good intention of the meeting?
What is the ugly reality?
How does Harding get hurt?
How are these meeting similar to Two Minutes Hate or a Vigils Meeting?
3. What does Nurse Ratched do to try and intimidate McMurphy?
How is he supposed to feel when she says that?
How does he feel?
How does McMurphy feel about his own sexuality?
How does McMurphy turn the tables on her?
Has anyone tried to do a similar thing to you?

4. How did Old Pete avoid the controls of the Combine?
What is the Combine?
How has McMurphy managed to avoid the Combine?
Is Santiago in the Combine?
Is Obie?
5. How are the meetings like "a bunch of chickens at a peckin' party"?
What is a pecking party?
6. What is the difference between a chicken and a rabbit?
What characters are chickens?
7. What is the bet?

8. How does Mack fool the Chief?

9. Describe what the chief sees at night.
Is it true, "even if it never happened."
According to his vision, what happens at the end of your time on the ward?

HOMEWORK: pages 83 through 101

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