Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday May 21, 2010

For Tuesday please make sure you have read through page 191---TEST


  1. The relationship between the doctor and his wife from the excerpt is a reflection of a sterotypical male feamale relationship in the way that the doctor is the domanant strong presence in the relationship.
    the feamale is shown as irrational and impetious. Dick bulton is another person to whome the woman runs from the house. the male then became more and more violent as she aproached the door and threatened violence if she left. the woman is portraid as shady becouse of the unknown aspect of the father of the chiled and her dealings with other men. this shows also the views that the other has on cristian scientiests.

  2. Savannah Goole -

    The doctor and his wife have a very resentful relationship. The wife resents her husband for not being more upset about the death of her child, and the Doctor is resentful of his wife because the child is not actually his. The Doctor is in a state of constant struggle with his wife. It is almost as if he is trying to be okay with her, but they don't understand each other. From the story we can infer that the wife had the "affair" because her husband didn't pay much mind to her. We can assume that they are trying to hold thier relationship together (because of what was expected in those days)and having a "mistrusted marrige" was looked down upon. He and his wife must have been struggling for a while to work this all out, and both her affair and the childs death are hard things to speak about in thier household; creating a strenuous environment.

    Dick Boulton has come to cut up some logs for the doctor. When the lumber ships drop some logs and don't come back to claim them, the doctor takes them before they rot. When Dick Boulton sees that there is a marking name of who the logs belong to, he (jokingly) accuses the Doctor of stealing the logs, but will cut them anyway. The doctor seems to be very very affeneded by this. I think this is because he is already having so much trobule keeping his name clean with his wife and dealings at home, that he does not want to be seen as any more of an askew man. Even when Dick tells the Doctor who the logs belong to, the doctor becomes uncomfortable but wants to saw them up anyway. The relationship between the Doctor and Dick is much the same as his relationship with his wife. In both spectrums he feels as if he is being looked down at; for stealing timber, and for having a wife that had a baby by another man.

    The relationship between the Doctor and his wife is reflective of a stereotypical male/female relationship. Often she cowers under him, and hides her feelings hoping that he will walk by her without notice, but then maybe she's done what she has because she want's to be noticed, to be loved. Typically, the man is in the right and should be tended to by the female. Perhaps his wife felt she was unloved or underappreciated, and felt she had to branch out, to find that love and comfort from someone else, and ended up paying for it iin the end by her own husband. He grows angry with her, towers over her, and almost refuses to let her leave because HIS name is soiled. He completely disregards her feelings, and cares about his image put out. I think she was just trying to find someone that loved her, reaching out for a hand.

  3. Well it is clear that Dick and the Doctor don't like each other, as shown on page two when Dick orders the Doctor to grab his belongings and get out and how the Doctor becomes upset at Dick calling him "Doc". As far as the relationship between the Doctor and the wife, it's an awkward, hectic, and stereotypical relationship because the Doctor is seen to have the stronger personality and the more level headed one whereas the wife is seen as being the unfaithful one and hectic one. It's an awkward relationship because the Doctor had a child, Dick, before getting married to her and obtaining Nick, the child they had together and yet Dick and the Doctor don't seem to get along.

  4. The doctor and his wife have a very stereotypical relationship in that the husband is very nonchalant about most things whereas the wife is more concerned and eager to get a response from her husband. For instance, when the doctor came home from work, his wife had to pretty much beg her husband to tell her what was happening between him and Dick.
    The relationship between Dick Boulton and the doctor is filled with tension. They tolerate being around each other when really they would rather would be elsewhere. The doctor tells his wife that the conflict between him and Mr. Boulton is the result of an overdue debt to be refunded to the doctor.

  5. The man in this story (Doc) tries to be very manly by almost getting in fights with Dick Boulton because Dick accuses the Doctor of stealing wood and when he tries to defend himself he realizes how much bigger Dick is and then gets mad he goes home. There he storms in and his wife immediately asks her what the matter is showing her concern for her husband. He seems to be a little stubborn and uneasy to tell her what’s going on and she needs to pry it out of him but she shows great concern for his well-being. Their relationship seems like that typical wife stays at home to cook and clean while the man goes off to work everyday and when he comes home he expects things to be in order. For example when he first walked in the fact that there were books laying out irritated him. So maybe the wife was reading them and that irritated him because he doesn’t want her to be educated. Also the fact that she is a Christian scientist and he’s a doctor could create some conflict because she may believe in one thing like God and that God created life and takes it away while he may believe in medicine and the theory of evolution so he might not value her opinion on much. These are all examples of that stereotypical wife must only cook, clean, take care of the kids, and attend to any needs the husband and in this case the Doctor has.

  6. The relationship between the Doctor and Dick is very tense. Dick owes the Doctor money and wants a row so he wont have to pay the Doctor back in labor. The doctor gets angry and he and Dick get into an argument about logs. This is an example of the dynamics of the male-male relationship because when two males have a dispute they usually size eachother up and think about fighting eachother. Even though Dick is big and likes to fight, him and the Doctor walk away from eachother. This is also a good characteristic of the male-male relationship. If the two males are friends they'll try their best to maintane the relationship even if it is sour.

    The relationship between the Doctor and his wife is based on the doctor being a doctor and the wife being a scientist. They both work together in their feilds but the wife finds new things out while the Doctor acts out those scientific findings. Also the wife understands the Doctor very well. She knows when he is upset even if he doesnt show it, or doesnt want to talk about it. She alsop levels him out. She gave him a little proverb when he was upset about the argument that he had with Dick. He is mindful of her, he can tell when she is being disturbed and is really respectful. When he accidentaly slamed the door as he left, he appologized as he left. The male-female relationship is really give and take and figuring eachother out and finding eachothers pet peeves.

    -steve L.

  7. The realtionship between the doctor and the people around him are the typical code hero in Hemmingway's writtings. The doctor in terms of te realtionship wit his wife, is patronizing and the dominante one. She pleads with him to tell her whats going on, and to refrain from violence. His harsh actions are symbolic of how he asserts his power. This is a patriarchal household. It can even be seen when the son rahter go with his father than respond to his mothers request to come inside with her. She is also never refered to by name, she is just the prefix of "the doctor's wife". Because she is a Christian scientist, her beliefs conflict with the hard facts and practices of her husband the doctor. This can also suggest that her opion is overlooked because of his beliefs and power.
    The doctors realtionship with Dick Boulton is the typcal male rivalry. Dick is the hot head, and tries to instigate him into a fight. Their exchange about who really owns the wood was ajust a pretense for them to fight. You can tell that Dick is the big man, rowdy and eager for a fight. The doctor possibly was intimidated by him, even though in that situation he was the man in chagre. When he goes home he even justifies his resignement from fighting to his wife. Though he didnt need to, this could show how he regards his own physically capabilites self consciensly.He stood up though for his son and himself though on the beach, and acted the bigger man averting the fight. Then when he returns home to clean his gun excessivley it shows his affection for it. His attachment to it, a tool utilized for hurting others, it shows how he clings to other means of power to make up for his incomptence in physicaly strength. The doctor;s realtionship with both these chracters shows the role of a typical patronizing chracter in literature.

  8. Conor Foley

    The relationship between the doctor and his wife and the doctor and Dick Boulton are very different. Dick Boulton and the doctor get very angry at eachother. They were going to fight over logs and Dick stole them so Doc was saying just to give them back. This is a male-male relationship. We all get angry at one another sometime but if you were friends before than you just turn your back and try to make the relaionship better.

    The relaionship between the doctor and the wife is based on there occupations. He is a doctor and his wife is a christian scientist. The conversations between them are very short and brief. She asks the questions and he answers. She knows when her husband is mad and angry and she doesnt bother to start and argument. He knows when she is stressed so they dont argue. The relationship builds stronger because of this.

  9. In the short story, the relationship between the doctor and Dick Boulton is that the the doctor was the one accused of stealing wood, from Dick, who is half Indian and half white, of stealing wood. The relationship of the doctor and his wife is that the doctor cares about his wife, but not so much about her opinion. This is true in that the wife is a Christian scientist, which at this time, this group of people were against the use of medication to help one and yet he went in what he thought was right compared to her religion to save Dick's squaw from dying of pneumonia.

  10. The relationship between the doctor and his wife are reflective of stereotypical male female relationships because the male plays the role of being in charge. He runs the household as well as the relationship, typically how most relationships go. The female is seem as inferior and inadequate.
    The relationship between the docot and Dick Boulton is fulled with animosity. They bite their tongues when in eachothers presence, but in actually the despise one another.The doctor tried to cover up the problem when speaking to his his wife.

  11. Damaris Santos:
    In the short story The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife, the relationship between Dick Boulton and the doctor is very awkward and very tense. It seems as if they aren't too fond of each other, but they basically have no choice but to deal with it for the wife. It's tense due to the fact that he owes the doctor money for helping "pulling his squaw through pneumonia...".
    The relationship between the the doctor and the wife is very dry and it seems as if they don't really care too much or as much as they should. It's stereotypical of a male female relationship because it displays how men are more non-chalant about things and don't really care as much as to where women care too much and seemingly begin to jump to conclusions about everything. It also resembles a stereotypical relationship because they often feel as if they can't tell a guy how they feel about certain things because they may be scared how the guy will react to things.

  12. Wendy Manly

    The short story “The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife” by Earnest Hemingway shows a stereotypical male-female relationships. The relationship between the doctor and his wife shows the feeling of male superiority. When the men are together in the story, they are understanding and honest with each other. The men understood the doctor’s reasoning behind his decisions. While the men are very open and honest with each other, they do not act this way to the doctor’s wife. Nick’s father did not want to tell the doctor’s wife what she asked him, and he lied when he finally did tell her, he lied. He believes that she will not understand because of her religious convictions. Her practice as a religious scientist does not make her believe in medicine. She has no respect for the doctor’s profession. She does not want her Nick to be a stereotypical male and lose his temper in an argument, while he decides to go hunting with his father where they can express their masculinity. This relationship shows a stereotypical male-female relationship in the lack of understanding and disagreements over the expression of masculinity.

  13. Lisamarie,
    In Hemingway's short story The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife it explores male and female relationship. The Docotor is the man of the house. The wife is the stay at home type, and does all the house work wwhile the man is the one working. Dick Boulton is the guy who always wants to start trouble and is always looking for a fight.
    The relationship between the Doctor and the wife is kind of the relationship where the man thinks he runs the show and the wife just sits in the backgroung. Hemingway shows his readers this in the title, The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife, by putting the man first it shows that the wife is not "as important" as the husband. Also when the titile doesnt even mettion the wifes occupation, a christian scientiest, shows the the wife isnt really viewed as important.
    Hemingway also shows us that the man in a realationship is the one that is suppose to defend or protect the wife and his property. When Dick Boulton tries to accuse the Doctor of steeling wood and The Doctor tries to act all big and tough, the wife tries to stop them and make peace. This shows us once again that the man is viewed as being on top of the relationship and the wife being under and having to serve to the husbands every need.

  14. Aldin Hamzabegovic

    The doctor and his wife are engaged in a relationship in which they seem to get along. But when the doctor’s wife asks the doctor what’s wrong, he refuses to tell her. It seems as if he does not want her to worry or get involved in his problems. The doctor who is holding back all of his emotions and refusing to tell her about his problems, shows a lack of communication between the two.

    The relationship between the doctor and Dick Boulton is not a very good one. There is a lot of anger between the two characters. Dick Boulton owes the doctor money, a debt which he has not paid of yet. Even though the two want to fight, they decide not to, and the anger/hate they express for one another eventually forces them to go their separate ways.

  15. Adrianna saysss...

    This short story focuses on relationships both male-male and male-female and also how masculinity comes into play. The interaction between Nick's father and Dick reveals the importance of pride in male-male relationships. Even though everyone knows what the doctor is doing with the logs, the doctor is incapable of giving in to Dick's tormenting. The doctor’s wife asks a lot of questions which he does not wish to answer. He assumes that she won’t understand his answers and the reasoning behind them. The wife’s religion, Christian Science, puts a huge strain on their relationship, she does not believe in medicine. Essentially she has zero respect for his profession. Her religion also dictates that one not lose their temper this shows that she doesn’t want him to be the stereotypical male. The doctor’s relationship with his wife is in a way unconventional. The wife seems to be the one who is controlling the relationship, when typically; while the woman is manipulative in some ways it is usually the man who is aggressive and territorial.

  16. In the short story, The Doctor and the Doctor's wife, demonstrates a relationship dynamic, that most are familiar with, the husband cares for his wife, but doesn't care too much about her opinion when it comes to important matters. Also Dick Boulton and Henry, the doctor, became strained and tense when Henry was accused of stealing logs, which is very stereotypical of men. Most men spend their whole life climbing the "alpha male" ladder and when standing on a rung on that ladder which, in this case, Henry, is standing is jepordized tempers can get heated.

    Even though the doctor's wife was christian, and they were married the doctor still went through with his own personal beliefs of using mecidine to cure as opposed to leaving the squaw's fate in God's hands. Exposing that the doctor still cares more about his own beliefs than his wife's, but he still cares for her in his own "manly" way, like when he slams the door and frightens her he startles her and still show's remorse and apologizes. The verbal quarrel between Dick and Henry proves how men care so much about their status in the male world, and constantly attempt to be the best male around. The doctor threatened Dick, but after realizing how large Henry reluctantly backed down and went home, defeated in his own mind.

  17. Keyana Coley

    The doctor doesn’t like Dick Boulton undermining his authority. The other men understand this so he is more open to talk to them about it than his wife. He feels that she is a woman and therefore wouldn’t understand what he's feeling so she lies to him. This shows male and feels male’s indifference to other genders. It also reflects a woman’s innocence, as she continues to ask questions thus he feels she’s a little naive. Furthermore the doctor’s wife who is a medical scientist lacks respect for her husband profession and the Doctor himself. The interaction between Nick's father and Dick reveals the importance of pride in male-male relationships. When the doctors decides to go hunting, where he can full express himself and find escape from his wife’s questions. Even after his mother calls him Nick also decides to go with his father.

  18. The Doctor's relationships between Dick Boulton and his wife portray some stereotypes between males and females. The male to male relationship between Dick and The Doctor is portrayed by their dialogue and the various actions of when the two are arguing about getting the wood from the woods. Dick is half-Indian and he argues against the Doctor for stealing wood from "White and McNally." Here, the Doctor portrays the male stereotype by yelling and making threats at Dick, such as punching his teeth and eye out. Other stereotypical detail include Dick being a big man and liking to get into fights.

    There are more stereotypes seen as the Doctor talks to his wife back in his cottage. The Doctor has a shotgun, showing his "manliness," and his wife is a "Christian Scientist," showing the typical caring religious type of woman that would care about her family, while also at the same time the more intellectual person compared to her husband, the Doctor. The Doctor is always showing his anger through strength, like slamming the door. In the end however, The Doctor and his son, Nick, has a good relationship.

  19. Henry get's in a argument with the Tabeshaw's and Dick about logs being stolen from White and McNally. Dick keeps on annoying and instagating Henry during the arguement to try and get him to fight. Then to avoid a fight he walks away from the situation and goes to his house. Henry is trying to do the right thing and stop Dick and the Tabeshaws from stealing the logs from White and McNally, Dick on the other hand is telling Henry to leave and mind his own business while trying to instagate a fight.
    Henry is talking to his wife and taking his fustration on her by being bitter. You can tell from these conversations that Henry has diffaculty talking about troubles with other people because he barley wants to talk to his own wife about it. and when she keeps talking to him about these perdicaments are in Henry gets up and leaves to go on a walk to clear his mind.

  20. Willie said….

    The doctor and Dick Boulton had a disrespect relation ship. Doctor was very rude to Dick and trying to make him upset. The whole time doctor was trying to tell Dick that the logs might be somebody elves, with also telling him that he don’t care who he was stealing from. By the doctor doing that it kind of made Dick mad and confused at times. Dick warned Doc that if he didn’t want to do the job to go back to his cottage. Doc got offended by this and started talking like he wanted to fight. This shows that the relationship between them wasn’t good at all and they both were on the tip of their angers. They both lack communication and Dick owed the Doc money and when money and anger is involved things don’t work out good.
    The relationship between the wife and Doc is not really balance. They are not on the same level because the wife is a Christian Scientist which means she’s religious persons. Doc on the other hand is showing he has anger problems and wants to kill Dick because he owes him money that doesn’t sound like the Christian thing to do. He also was lying to his wife telling her he didn’t lose his temper when he did. He was also ignoring her at time when she was speaking to her. He also started wiping his gun off like he was about to kill Dick or somebody that shows again he wasn’t really a Christian like person and showed anger problems. This is why their relationship was unstable and not balance.

  21. The relationship between the doctor and his wife would be that the doctor feels that he could do anything he wants. The doctor doesnt have any patinets. It seem as the doctor and and wife dont really have a good relationship do to the fact that his wife is a christian scientist she doesnt really have anger towards people. The doctor let his emontion take over him and that he has alot of anger do to the fact that Dick Boulton owns the doctor money. The relation between the doctor and Dick Boulton would be that Dick owns the doctor money and Dick didnt pay the Doctor. This refelcts the realtionship between women and men because most man let their emotion get the best of them and women are ther ones that try to claim the mem down...

  22. Amonee Read
    The Doctor and The Doctor's Wife
    May 20, 2010

    In the short story The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife the relationship between male and female is explored. There are several different relationships that are discussed throughout this story. In other words that of the relationship between the doctor and his wife, as well as the doctor and Dick Boulton. The relationship between Dick and the doctor seems to be somewhat friendly but at the same time nerve wrecking and frustrating. It seems as if there is a lack of trust between there relationship. The doctor once used a lot of his own money f or pulling Dick through pneumonia. Therefore Dick owes the doctor money and is somewhat reluctant to give it back. In other words he really dose not see the need to. Although, the relationship between the doctor and his wife is fairly different. The doctor’s wife is a Christian scientist and it seems as if they are married but on to different levels. When two people get married the become one and the flesh and their relationship is not on one accord. The Wife’s point of view is way stronger than that of her husband. The two’s outlook on the situation are completely opposite. The wife feels as if the situation is not that serious and money is not all that important. Although, her husband dose not wants to hear it, he begins to ignore her. He feels that if someone owes him something he has the right to get it back when he wants and or need it. To him if that means taking affirmative action than that is what it means. Hence, while his wife is talking to him he sort of pushes her away and leans to his own understanding by cleaning his gun and then resting it between his knees.

  23. Michael Radney said...

    The relationship between the doctor and his wife explorers the male female relationship, which is a major theme in cuckoos nest. The doctor is the stereotypical man. When he has a problem he hides it from his Christian wife who is also a scientist. He does this because he does not want to worry his wife (just like a man). When the doctor starts to get angry his wife religious ideals he does not want to lose his temper and become the stereotypical man, aggressive and territorial.

    The short story shows that all a man needs in his man to man pride, if a man loses that who knows what would happen. The doctor goes hunting to show his manliness. That shows it is easy to have a man to man interaction compared to a male to female one.

  24. In the short story, The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife, the author, Ernest Hemingway explores the male female relationship between the doctor and his wife. The Doctor’s wife takes on the role of the stay at home mom. She is stereotyped as the women who follows her husbands every word. Throughout the short story the wife is portrayed as almost inferior to Doctor Henry; the author never even mentions the wife's name. Being a Christian scientist, the wife tries to be the peacemaker in a conflict between the doctor and his hired hand, Dick Boulton. But as a man who has a patriarchal mindset, he kind of ignores his wife when talking about the situation. Hemingway explores Doctor Henry's feelings of superiority over almost everyone in his life.
    Dick Boulton, who the doctor hired to help move logs from the lake shore, accuses the doctor of stealing the logs. The doctor talks to Dick as if he has so much power over him and can force him to do things. Henry threatens to knock Dick's teeth out as if he has the authority to do this and Dick wouldn't say anything.
    Throughout this short story Hemingway develops the relationships between a person who thinks they are superior and a humble women, but also explores the superior feeling man to someone who knows the truth.

  25. The doctor and his wife have a very strained relationship. The loss of the child has pushed them apart and she is hurt because she doesn’t feel that he cares. They do not understand each other and don't try very hard to do so. I feel that they want the relationship to work but since they simply don't understand each other it can't. He does not trust her. This is a typical male/female relationship stereotype. She coward underneath him and succumbs to his will. She probably feels under valued and unimportant - which would drive her to an affair. He sees her as inferior, as if her feelings do not matter and he is solely focused on himself.
    The relationship between Boulton and the doctor is full of mistrust. They do not like each other. The Doctor seems to worry very much about keeping his name clean and is worried about being looked down upon, and he feels like he is by Dick, especially when Dick implies that he stole the logs. All of the doctor's relationships are filled with tension.

  26. Victoria Mark

    The relationship between the doctor and his wife is very stereotypical. The doctor is seen as a dominant man of action, he is cleaning his gun as he speaks to his wife, and when pestered by her for details about the events of the day, he begrudgingly continues the conversation. This is typical for one of Hemmingway’s code heroes. His wife is seen as lethargic and nagging and wanting to avoid confrontation. She is also a Christian Scientist (which is an oxymoron) and they don’t believe in medicine, yet she is married to a doctor. The doctor is the more dominant personality and his wife although persistent is submissive which describes a typical relationship of the time.

    The relationship between Dick Boulton and the Doctor is the typical confrontational struggle for dominance. When Boulton starts to doubt the doctor, and begins using an informal name the doctor begins to try and assert his authority by yelling at Boulton and threatening him. It is also evident in how his face is described as turning red. Boulton resists being afraid and doubts the doctor who leaves before the confrontation can escalate. This is a typical struggle for power. When the doctor tries to assert his power Boulton does not cower, and this wound’s the doctor’s status as leader, which he does not respond well to. This tension is a typical struggle of power.

  27. In Ernest Hemingway's short story The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife expresses many different reactions between relationships. The most apparent and effective relationship is between the Doctor and his wife. The Doctor comes home very angry because of the altercation he got into with Dick Boulton. Many times his wife tries to get answers from him, as of why he is uptight. He answers her as if he doesn't want to, and also tells her lies. The reason the Doctor has reacted in this fashion is because he believes that his wife could not possibly understand his reasons for being upset. This also demonstrates his masculine pride in where he believes females are not able to understand why males get mad at certain things. Being that the wife is a Christian Scientist it symbolizes that she believes in handling conflict through peace and ease. So this goes against the Doctor's reaction towards things, for he was almost about to get into a one-on-one fight with Dick Boulton. So the doctor’s wife is the exact opposite of her husband. She stays home and waits for him, while he on the other hand, goes out and does as he pleases and once he returns he gives no input on what he has been up to. She tries to use sympathy to show she cares, versus his actions and words are full of fire and violence. So trying to maintain his masculinity he goes out to find his son Nick, and goes hunting. Through this short story you can see how the wife is an inferior to her husband. All these aspects greatly reflect the stereotypical male to female relationship.
