Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday May 21 second post for 7th period

Please respond to the Hemingway story directly on this blog. This is due at the end of class.

For Tuesday, make sure you have read through page 192-- TEST.


  1. The relationship between the doctor and his wife from the reading is a reflection of a sterotypical male female relationship in many ways. The doctor Henry, exerts his superiority. Up until recently, the man was the clear dominant figure within society and within a family, and this holds true to the story. The wife of the doctor is very submissive to his words. When she asks him to not keep anything from her, he goes on to say that Dick owes him alot of money for pulling his squaw through pneumonia... and after this, she remains silent. She put up no argument because it was not her place to question him and she fully understands this. This is stereotypical of a male female relationship, and also of a marital couple. After they get in a brief tiff, he goes out to the porch and mentions that he is sorry. His wife hears this and replies by saying "It's all right, dear".
    As much as they might get into quarrels, it is clear to see that the husband and wife are married for a reason. The capacity to apologize and forgive is key to a successful marriage, which is demonstrated in the text. this shows how The Doctor and his wife have a stereotypical male female relationship.

  2. The relationship between the doctor and his wife is very stereotypical of a male dominant relationship. The Doctor supresses his emotions, to a point where his wife must question him about every little detail about his day. As the questioning goes on, he slowly becomes angered and storms off.
    He seems to be closed minded and " Wears the Pants in his Relationship", as well as the fact that his wife is a christian scientist, pushing her to lead herself in a direction following teachings of the bible, leaving the man to lead her household.
    Also to aid on to the Doctors lack of expression to his wife of his emotions, he only says sorry to her through her window, through the blinds, where she cannot see him.( To Hide his emotional relief once again.)

  3. Shanay Baxter says:

    The Doctor and Dick Boulton don’t really get along with each other, this is obvious because Dick tells the doctor to grab his things and get out. The tension between the two men is because Dick is in dept of the Doctor, as the two tolerate being around each other they would rather be in separate places. When Dick called the Doctor, Doc he became offended and even more annoyed by him.
    The relationship between the Doctor and his wife is awkward, the male has the dominance and the woman seems to be the sneaky and cheating partner. As the wife is a Christian Scientist she believes that no one should take medicine because it’s God’s will if you die or if you stay alive. The fact that the wife is sleeping with another man kind of contradicts the “Christian” characteristic she has. The stereotype between men and women is shown that women are conniving and unfaithful to their spouses, and the men play the role as the “dictator” or the person in control of the relationship.

  4. The doctor and his wife have a stereotypical relationship as the male is the head of all things and the women is supposed to run the household. The wife is shown as weak and frail while the husband is the strong rational one who does everything "up to code". The relationship betweent the doctor and the wife is tense, hectic and almost intolerable. Dick makes everything worse because while he can be around the doctor, he makes everything very awkward and strange. The doctor feels that he has the right to decide how his wife feels and what she can or cannot do. Dick feels like the doctor is a theif and has stolen stuff from someone. There was even a threat of getting hit. The doctor feels very powerful and even lies to his wife about why him and Dick don't like each other. Nick there son was told by the doctor that his mother had wanted him, but Nick wanted to go with his dad so the doctor just over ruled what the mother had said and allowed the child to go with him.

  5. The short story The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife by Ernest Hemingway explores male and female relationships. There is a high patriarchal view, as the wife is looked upon as only just a "thing" to comfort the man when he came home; to cook, clean and satisfy him. She does not have a say in anything that the Doctor does, which is a commomn idea in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest. Whenever His wife asks a question, he does not have a direct answer, or a desire to even begin to answer her. In the Doctor's mind, so long as she does not talk, he is fine. So long as she is filling the gaps that require a woman's work, he is happy. This relationship is basic; in the Doctor's mind, "Cook, clean, and care for me, and I will not have any problems with you."
    Dick Boulton's relationship with the Doctor is a separate thing from that with his wife. Friendly relationships in patriarchal societies between two men were usually common with leisure time and work. However, their relationship soon dissipates when a quarrel breaks out over stolen logs, which take away the manly things that are commonly associated with men. The dialogue that is said during this quarrel is something common that one would see between two men in this friendly relationship.

  6. Ernest Hemingway’s The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife he shows certain relationships between characters. The doctor seems to want to hold certain dominance over both Dick Boulton and his own wife. With Dick Boulton you can feel the doctor’s anger when he orders him around to get his stuff and consistently calls him “doc.” There’s this power struggle between the men and both get this pleasure from fighting and being the “alpha male.” The doctor’s wife is a Christian Scientist, she believes in no medical help its all Gods will. The wife seems to be calmer and she knows her husband and his temper and he still holds this dominance towards her also. He's not open towards his wife and she seems to just take it and deal with it more of a passive person.

  7. The relationship between the doctor and his wife is as every other stereotypical relationship. The husband is the dominant one. He says what goes in the house and everywhere else, no matter what his wife says. She is a christian scientist and believes that medecine shouldnt be taken and that if it is a persons time to go they will go and that the shouldnt be given "artificial life lengthening." The husband, that is, the doctor believes in his practice, so the wife always ends up bending to his will.
    The relationship between the doctor and Dick Boulton is pretty much a struggle for dominance. Dick is a jerk that likes to show off how big he is and likes to flash his fists around. He constantly is challenging the doctor at every chance he gets. The doctor, being the "bigger man" always just walks away.

  8. dick boulton treats the doctor like a child with a bad temper. he makes the "mistake" of calling him out on stealing logs, then tries to appease him once he gets frustrated. the doctor seems to resent the appeasement, and opts instead to threaten dick, and then just leave. this is similar to a typical male and female relationship, the catty arguing and the overly defensive and immature actions. the doctor is somewhat aloof from his wife, he doesn't respond to her mostly, and when he does it's with short, straightforward answers. dick and the doctor's wife represent relationships that are not going well, because of a lack of proper communication.

  9. Shana Harris
    The relationship between the doctor and his wife is very distance. The husband does not want to tell the wife anything because she their is a lack of communication between the two. This is a common relationship that people think about many husbands and wives. This is called a sterotypical relationship between the two. The husband has a controlling attitude towards the wife. When he is talking to his wife while cleaning his gun shows a dominance. Men act dominant towards women all the time and that is the sterotypical part of the short story, that is why people say that men are stonger than women because evereyone carries that sterotype. The doctor and wife find it hard to understand each other. They always seem to have promblems. When the wife has an affair with someone else that shows how disfunctional thier relationship was with each other. It seems like they are trying to keep their relationship alive because they dont want to be looked at different by others.

    Dick Bulton and the doctor have a hate relationship. They have anger towards each other, and you can tell that there is animosty between the two. Dick owes the doctor money and it is a over due debt, so that also made the relationship even worse. They have much tension between each other. The doctor is angry about the money, and they began to argue about logs. You can also tell that the doctor is intimadated by dick because of his actions.

  10. Relations between the doctor and his wife are extremely different than the relationship that Dick Boulton and the Doc have. Dick and the Doc are more straight-forward and yell and very in a sense irrationable about things. Instead of talking, thinking, or using logic to get ones point across they would much rather yell and get irrate. Regardless of the situation that is in front of the two men they will solve it by yelling louder than the next, getting more upset than the other, and making their "opponent" more perplexed than themselves. Taking these transactions into thought(word?) and comparing the behavior to the Doc and his wife; very lucid differneces are apparent. instead of getting upset, angry, and yelling with his wife, he just talks, which is much more reasonable and acceptable. Although he withholds information from his wife, and he lies directly to her although given multiple chances to come clean, he still lies. This shows some similarities in the Doc. He is incapable of speaking his mind without getting frustrated. With his confrontation regarding to Dick, he got very upset quite quickly and was unable to think, to the point where violence was threatened to be use as opposed to mere words and discussion to get his point across. While talking with his wife, although he does not get irrate with her, he does not tell the truth; this hints at the fact that he is still upset over the whole situation. If hge were to repeat it to his wife he {might just as well}(proper grammar?) get upset while retelling the story so instead he lies and in summation gets up and leaves. If he were to do this same tactic while arguing with Dick instead of threatening him although he would not get an answer but he would avoid the conflict altogether. The differences between man and women in this writing are including a non violent approach versus a violent attempt.

  11. The doctor lies to his wife, changing the story completely in order to make himself seem just in the situation, when it was he who was (arguably) the one acting the most unreasonable. The wife seems timid around him and does not interrogate him much further when he turns her down. I know. What a woman.
    The Doc acts moody and a tidbit pissy towards Dick when he accuses him of his lumber being stolen (he responds "its driftwood" clearly showing that it is stolent) and takes this as a form of disrespect. Doc does not talk about this to his wife because frankly, women don't understand the workings of a man and he comes up with a different story instantly after she says "Tell me, Henry. Please don't try and keep anything from me." This shows that he is dishonest in that department and that she does not think that he is actually capable of keeping something from him.
    Women huh?

  12. Molly Howe:
    The Doctor and Dick Boulton's relationship is very closed,Doctor seems a little afraid of the situation with the logs. Dick doesn't care if they are stolen logs, but the Doctor wants to follow the rules and leave them. The Doctor is uncomfortable with Dick, and is upset when Dick keep calling him 'Doc'. Dick and the Doctor resolve their problems by the Doctor threatening to hit Dick, but instead just leaves.
    The Doctor's realtionship with his wife is also closed. The doctor's books are in the corner of the room, still in it's packaging while the wife's bible and books are right next to her nightstand. The wife asks the doctor about work, and the doctor seems uninterested in answering, when he does answer it is brief just to keep her from continuing. While the talk they are in separate rooms showing that their relationship is distant. As they speak, the Doctor cleans his gun. He ends up leaving the house and going to the cool forest, the temperature before he opens the gate is hot, suggesting he is angry and when he goes through the gate it's cool meaning he is relieved to get away.When the Doctor leaves the house his wife tells him to ask for their son to come see her, but when he goes to see his son he doesn't force him to go home instead, the man feels truly happy with him and ends up going to look at the black squirrels with him.
    The male-female relationship is evident because the woman trys to communicate with the doctor to see what is wrong, while the male-male relationship is little communication and is resolved with a threat but then Dick goes on with collecting the stolen logs while the doctor just goes home.

  13. Alicia Vazquez says:

    The doctor and his wife have a stereotypical relationship because he is more relaxed about everything while his wife is more hectic about everything. His wife is a Christian scientist so she believes in everything being under God and that you shouldnt use medicine for anything, but since her husband is a doctor it's two different ideas going back and forth and that can be a problem.

    The relationship between Dick and the doctor has lots of tension going around. And one of the main reasons is because Dick thinks that the Doctor stold the logs when it was rightfully his.

  14. In Ernest Hemingway's short story The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife expresses many different reactions between relationships. The most apparent and effective relationship is between the Doctor and his wife. The Doctor comes home very angry because of the altercation he got into with Dick Boulton. Many times his wife tries to get answers from him, as of why he is uptight. He answers her as if he doesn't want to, and also tells her lies. The reason the Doctor has reacted in this fashion is because he believes that his wife could not possibly understand his reasons for being upset. This also demonstrates his masculine pride in where he believes females are not able to understand why males get mad at certain things. Being that the wife is a Christian Scientist it symbolizes that she believes in handling conflict through peace and ease. So this goes against the Doctor's reaction towards things, for he was almost about to get into a one-on-one fight with Dick Boulton. So the doctor’s wife is the exact opposite of her husband. She stays home and waits for him, while he on the other hand, goes out and does as he pleases and once he returns he gives no input on what he has been up to. She tries to use sympathy to show she cares, versus his actions and words are full of fire and violence. So trying to maintain his masculinity he goes out to find his son Nick, and goes hunting. Through this short story you can see how the wife is an inferior to her husband. All these aspects greatly reflect the stereotypical male to female relationship.

  15. The doctor has a very shaky relationship with his wife; it seems that he doesn't trust her enough to tell her the truth about what had happened with Dick Boulton. He also seems very inconsiderate of his wife, possibly because he looks down on her for being a "christian scientist", or possibly because he feels threatened by her tendency to patronize him with her ideals. For the most part, she seems submissive to him, if not frightened. And that was actually typical of couples at the time--a constant male-female power struggle that ends up with an unhappy marriage (this is also shown in Robert Frost's Home Burial; the intimidating and domineering husband and the spirited wife who is scared into submission).

    However, when the doctor is moved out of his home setting to interact with other males (namely Dick Boulton), he loses his edge. When Boulton proposes stealing the logs, the doctor tries to persuade him otherwise, resorting to threats when he gets desperate. Of course, being a much smaller man than Boulton, his threats fall flat. Though, generally, such conflicts are typical between men; as they are typically equally matched in ego, arrogance and self-entitlement, they lock horns often, whereas women are expected to be more reserved and submissive.

    Perhaps the doctor terrorizes his wife because he has no power over other men. It is possible that he has an inferiority complex, that he enjoys having power over others and, like a child, throws a tantrum when he cannot control others.

  16. In the short story, The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife, Ernest Hemingway discusses the male female relationship between the doctor and his wife. In their relationship, understanding does not exist. The doctor does not want to answer any of his wife’s questions, and on the off case he does, he lies to her. He seems to assume that she will not understand his reasoning. He seems to believe that they are not equal that that she is inferior to him due to her religious beliefs he can’t not lose his temper. Her beliefs are opposite to the doctor’s stereotypically male persona. The doctor’s wife believes in Christian Science, which means she does not believe in medicine. In other words meaning she does not care for her husband career. However they seem to have a working relationship with each other. She does what is expected of her as a wife, the doctor also respects her belief. For example when, he remained in good manners not to do any harm to anyone even when in rage. When he was in rage, he rather be frustrated than argue with his wife, even though they have a non-understanding relationship they seem to respect each other.

  17. The Doctor and Wife of the Doctor don't have a truthfuly good and healthy relationship. The wife is a christian scientist, her bible beside her bed at all times. Her husband is a doctor,who has medical journals that sit at the table still in their original packaging.He goes and sits on his bed in the dark room cleaning his gun, beside his wife. The husband is verry hot tempered and he gets upset very easily . Though he is very remorseful after he gets upset at her from asking questions about how he has handled a problem with another man. She believes that he could have handled it in a more peaceful way instead of saying words in anger that may not have been how he really felt. As he slams the door behind himself, direcet at her he is apoogetic because his anger is meant for Boulton and not directed to her. Before he was talking or fighting with BOulton they were about to hash it out before The Doc went in to get his gun. And then sent his son indide with is mother.

  18. Elaine C. Stewart

    Ernest Hemingway's The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife is filled with male-male and male-female relationships the relationship between the Doctor and Dick Boulton is a very tense male-male relationship. There is a power and pride struggles between the Doctor and Dick. Although D ick knows that the Doctor is stealing the logs and it is illegal he comes anyways to help. He pecks at the Doctor to try and rile him up then they start to argue and before it becomes physical the Doctor retreats because he knows that Dick is larger and would defeat him also he does not want his power and pride to be taken away from him in front of the other men.
    The relationship between the Doctor and his wife is non-understanding. He does not think that she would understand or feel for him if he answers her truthfully. She also does not like what he does for a living such as interfering with god's will with medicine. He is a doctor and she is a Christian scientist.
    The relationship between the doctor and his son is also male-male because when the son is told that the mother wants him he chooses to go with the dad and spend time with him rather than the mother which helps build confidence and pride within the Doctor.

  19. The short story The Doctor and the doctor's Wife explores male and female relationships. The doctor and his wife in the story is reflective of a sterotypical male female relationship because he basically does anything he wants to do in his relationship. He is some what closed minded beacuse he dosen't let his wife in on the his feelings. At the end of the story the doctor is loading his gun in an attempt to shoot Dick because he owes him alot of money, the wife is trying to stop him from killing Dick but the doctor refuses to listen to her and proceeds with what he wants to do. The doctor's wife is a real religious women, she is a christian scientist. She follows every aspect of the bible and believes every word in the bible.The doctor and his wife lack communication because she is a christian scientist and she doesnt believe in perscribing medicine and blood transfusions and he's a doctor so thats part of his job to give people medicine to make them well.

    The relationship between Dick and the doctor is basically on of alot of arguments, hate and race. The doctor's wife is not happy with the fact that her husband cured Dick's wife, one because she is an indian women also because she doent believe in medicine. the doctor and dick really dont get along because dick owes him money because he stole the lumber.

  20. In the short story The Doctor and The Doctor’s Wife by Ernest Hemingway, male female relationships are conveyed. The story explores very traditional views on such relationship between men and women. First, in the beginning of the story, a good basic friendship is under way between Dick and Doctor. Unfortunately a quarrel begins through the two men seeing and having two different opinions. Both men assort to violence, which is all too typical. After the threats and testosterone runs, Doctor walks away to his house. Angered and probably not wanting to be bothered, is left to hear his wife. Here the “Doctors wife” asks the doctor questions. The male female role takes its role, of course the male being the head of the marriage and family. Feeling like not explaining himself to his wife he quickly ends the conversation. Not wanting to hear his wife’s Christian scientific beliefs. Here the female takes her suppressive role as women of the house, with no real power. After the Doctor finishes admiring his weapon (symbolizing his role as a man, which asserts to force instead of reason like women).
    At the end, the doctor pathetically says sorry to his wife, when deep inside he isn’t. Then he finally exhumes his power by going against his wife’ orders of the son going to see her. Instead he overrides her order and takes his son with him.

  21. The doctor and his wife has the average stereotypical relationship which involves male dominance. In the story the doctor does what he wants when he wants to do it. For instance, towards the end of the story the doctor dercides to shoot Dick because he owes him a great deal of money. Althoughg his wife treis to change his mind about the whole situation Dick does what he wants beacause he is "the man" and he feels his wife couldnt possibly understand why he's so angry and how serious the situation really is.
    The doctors wife is the stereotypic christian scientist. She doesnt get into any serious confrontations with her husband. She may try to coax him out of things but she wont go too far, she knows her place. She also doesnt really have no authority in the relationship.
    Throughout this tory the doctor and his wife's lack of communication was very evident.We didnt really get to see their loving and nurturing side.
