Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday May 12, 2010

Reminder: Friday vocabulary 14 is due
If you did not turn in your synopsis, do so. This is a class participation grade (an easy one), and if you were absent must make it up.

In class today: You were to read pages 9-13 in Ken Kesey's novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Think of the novel as being tragicomic. The setting is a mental hospital in the late 1950's. Keep in mind two themes: 1. the dehumanizing of the individual and the need for conformity within a mental institution and 2. how individuality and creativity can be perceived as threatening.
Note the point of view: who is speaking? what do we know of this individual? Be patient with this guy; he's had lots of electroshock and drugs.

The following is an interview with Ken Kesey and Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead). This should give you insight into the 60's and by extension the character of McMurphy.

Characters: Chief Bromden
Nurse Ratched
Randle McMurphy
Dale Harding
Billy Bibbit
Dr. Spivey

Read through page 28.
Bonus 50 points
Put together the following: Tom Wolf, Merry Pranksters, Ken Kesey. Due Thursday; put by the computer.

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