Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday April 29, 2010

Note vocabulary 13 is due Monday

Last night's review questions for class discussion.

1. To what does the above image refer?

2. Carefully note the play's characters: their personalities as revealed through the dialogue.

Reverend Parris


Mary Warren

Goody Putnan

Goodman Putnam

Mercy Lewis

Bonus: 100 points due Friday or never... as usual put your response next to the computer.

The content of Hollywood films has always been regulated in one form or another, however between 1947 and 1954 the House Un–American Activities Committee (HUAC) became indirectly involved in this kind of regulation. After the Second World War the America’s alliance with the Soviet Union ended, the Cold War began, and the “Red Scare” moved into full force. The HUAC members considered it their duty to purge the country of any Communist influences. While numerous industries were investigated by HUAC, because of Hollywoods high profile, it became the best known target of this infamous committee.
In 1947, what was the three fold purpose of the HUAC?

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