Monday, April 5, 2010

Tuesday April 6, 2010 - Color Symbolism and Character

AGENDA for Today:
Gatsby Map

color symbolism & character description

Pair Worksheets due at end of class

Homework: Read Chapter 3
Class work--

(1) Colors:

--The use of color symbolism helps us to understand what ideas the author is trying to get across on a deeper level.

--Fitzgerald included color in the book to help define situations and characters and shape how interactions between the two play out.

-- Color adds to the emotion of situations. Color is a way to correlate events to create a common meaning.

Identify words that you associate with the following colors. What does each color make you think of?







(2) Find the color references in Chapters 1 & 2 and make connections to what the colors might mean in relation to the story so far.

(3) Get to know the cast of characters: Who have you met so far?

First, list the characters you have encountered in the novel so far, then describe them using the following as guidelines/ideas to get started: How will you remember them? What do they do? What do they look like? What kind of person is each character? Are any of these people the types of people you would like to know or become friends with? Why/why not? Do they remind you of anyone you know?


(1) In Chapter 1: Daisy says, “I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” Why do you think she says that? What can you infer about who Daisy is from this statement?

(2) In Chapter 2: Fitzgerald uses “ashes” as symbolism when referring to the Wilsons’ part of town. What do you think he means to suggest about the people, place, and attitudes toward both of these through this use of symbolism?

(3) In Chapter 3: There is a focus on the gap between perception and reality. Give two examples of this from what you have read and explain what you think each example might symbolize.

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